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Podcast: These Women Want To Share Their Happiness Secrets With The World

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Carrie Gress and Noelle Mering of The Theology of Home believe their capacity as women to impact the culture and society starts in the home.


On this episode of The Federalist Radio Hour, Carrie Gress and Noelle Mering of The Theology of Home join Executive Editor Joy Pullmann to discuss the importance of home life and share their secrets to flourishing.

“We have this blaring message coming from the culture that is telling us things like the patriarchy is the problem, my body my choice, and children are our enemy, are a real obstacle to our success and our happiness. And these are the things that the left has been telling us for 50 years and I think a lot of us, you know, in our bones know that there’s just something wrong with this framework,” Gress said.

Both Gress and Mering said what happens in the home is “vital” and “life-altering” but needs to be cultivated.

The home impacts “the future society but also just the human beings that we’re having to lead the next generations.” Mering said.

“The eternal life and the interior life of those souls is actually where all of the other things emanate from either for better or for worse,” she said. “Our capacity as women to affect the culture and society in ways that are extraordinarily powerful starts in the home life.”

Mering is the author of “Awake, Not Woke: A Christian Response To The Cult Of Progressive Ideology.”

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