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Inauguration Violence Erupts… From Antifa

Biden protest and riot
Image CreditDailyMail/Photo

As officers prepared for what many predicted would be an insurrection by Trump supporters on Inauguration Day, Antifa members rioted across the nation.


As Washington, D.C., and federal officials around the country geared up for what many wrongly predicted would be an insurrection by Trump supporters on Inauguration Day, Antifa members rioted and denounced Joe Biden’s presidency in cities across the nation.

In Portland, hundreds of violent Antifa rioters took to the streets to protest Biden’s inauguration, with some vandalizing the Oregon Democratic Party headquarters, smashing windows, graffitiing the walls, and lighting dumpsters on fire.

Another group marched to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement facility in the city, chanting, “F-ck Joe Biden.” Shortly after they arrived, federal law enforcement declared an unlawful assembly as the crowd lobbed objects at the officers and the building.

Police eventually arrested and charged multiple people in connection to the destruction, but during other rowdy gatherings in the area, some demonstrators called for “revenge” against “police murders, imperialist wars, and fascist massacres,” carrying a banner painted with “We don’t want Biden.”

In Seattle, Antifa rioters burned flags and wreaked havoc on businesses in Pike Place Market, a popular tourist attraction in the city’s downtown. Some carried banners calling for the abolition of “ICE, cops, prisons, borders, and presidents.”

Police in Seattle arrested a handful of people in connection with the ongoing property damage and Antifa logo vandalism on the side of buildings all across the area.

In Denver, an Antifa group burned an American flag near the Colorado Capitol, while some displayed banners emblazoned with communist, anti-fascist, anti-Biden, and anti-Trump logos and statements.

Multiple rioters were also caught on camera assaulting other people during the gathering.

Just last summer, violent Black Lives Matter and Antifa rioters inflicted more than $2 billion in damages on businesses, churches, federal buildings, and other downtown structures in some of these same cities. Through arson, looting, vandalism, and other crimes, rioters brought damage across more than 20 states, leaving at least 30 people dead in their wake. These riots were largely ignored by the media as just isolated instances of property damage or justified in the name of racial justice.