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Trump Campaign Files Challenges To Pennsylvania Voting Rules In Supreme Court

The campaign’s appeal to the Supreme Court marks Trump’s latest challenge in the November contest, with dozens of lawsuits filed and thrown out in several other tipping-point states.


The Trump campaign filed at least its fourth case before the Supreme Court Sunday challenging the court outcomes in a trilogy of cases decided against the campaign’s favor in Pennsylvania.

The lawsuits targeted Pennsylvania’s last-minute rule changes governing mail-in voting, and is demanding judges throw out tens of thousands of votes cast in contravention of state law. President-elect Joe Biden carried the once-blue wall battleground by more than 80,000 votes in November.

In a Sunday statement, President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani charged local judges with:

  1. Prohibiting of election officials checking whether signatures on mail ballots are genuine during canvassing on Election Day.

  2. Eliminating the right of campaigns to challenge mail ballots during canvassing for forged signatures and other irregularities.

  3. Holding that the rights of campaigns to observe the canvassing of mail ballots only meant that they only were allowed to be ‘in the room’ – in this case, the Philadelphia Convention Center – the size of several football fields.

  4. Eliminating the statutory requirements that voters properly sign, address, and date mail ballots.

The petition filed with the Supreme Court demands the high bench invalidate the votes of the state’s 20 electors pledged to President-elect Joe Biden and allow the state’s Republican legislature to replace them. The campaign has requested the Supreme Court expedite the case before Congress votes to certify the results in the Electoral College on Jan. 6.

“The Campaign also moved for expedited consideration, asking the Supreme Court to order responses by December 23 and a reply by December 24,” Giuliani said Sunday.

The campaign’s appeal to the Supreme Court marks Trump’s latest challenge in the November contest, with dozens of lawsuits filed and thrown out in several other tipping-point states.

Earlier this month, the Supreme Court rejected a Texas lawsuit which had garnered relatively broad support among the Republican Party to block Biden electors in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin due to election irregularities in those states. The high court also turned down a lawsuit brought by Pennsylvania Republican Rep. Mike Kelly challenging the results in his home state, which sought to invalidate 2.5 million mail-in ballots as unconstitutional.