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3 Fishy Things In Pennsylvania Voter Data The State Has Yet To Explain
Image CreditSecretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Kathy Boockvar | Flickr

Pennsylvania, arguably the most important swing state in the 2020 general election, has some irregularities in its mail-in ballot voting records contributing to public unease over its election results.

While the media has called the Coal State for former Vice President Joe Biden, President Donald J. Trump and his campaign have pursued legal action in the state over alleged election violations and potential voter fraud that could have changed the vote totals.

The campaign also has a lawsuit pending petition in the U.S. Supreme Court. It challenges the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s decision to allow mail-in ballots that arrived after Election Day to be counted, despite state laws that say the opposite.

The Pennsylvania Department of State has 3,098,705 people listed in its “General Election Mail Ballot Requests,” which records who requested a certain type of ballot, when that request was received by election officials, and when an official ballot was cast.

The data, which was last updated on Nov. 10 and is supposed to encompass all of the state’s mail-in ballot and absentee ballot requests, include irregularities that raise questions about the remote voting process in Pennsylvania. Not only do the records show that numerous voters older than the eldest-recorded person living in the United States requested and cast ballots in the Nov. 3 election, but several ballots were processed by the state’s election systems as received before they were even sent out.

Despite such suspicious and eyebrow-raising records, the Pennsylvania Department of State did not respond to The Federalist’s multiple requests for comment, leaving important questions left unanswered.

Why Are People Older Than 120 Years Old Voting?

While the data set clearly states that more than 50 voters with a birth date of Jan. 1, 1800, who received a ballot are assigned the fake month, day, and year “due to confidentiality reasons…usually for victims of domestic violence,” there are also 11 other voters who were reportedly born before 1900 who obtained a mail-in or absentee ballots after requesting one online (OLMAILV) or through a physical mail request form (MAILIN).

Of the eleven voters allegedly older than 120 years who requested a ballot of some sort, most were registered Democrats. Seven of the eight Democrats listed as born in the 1800s cast a vote in the Nov. 3 election and were located in counties with big cities such as Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, which have been flagged as areas ripe with voter fraud.

Another question Pennsylvania’s state department has failed to answer is why there are just fewer than 20 voters who have the birth date of Jan. 1, 1900. While there might have been legitimate Pennsylvania citizens with that birth date in the past, these records suggest that at least 20 people over the age of 120 years old requested a ballot for the 2020 election.

This is suspicious considering the oldest person in the United States as of Nov. 10 is reportedly Hester Ford of North Carolina, who is 115 years old.

Of those with the suspicious Jan. 1, 1900 birth date who requested a ballot in the Coal State, four of the five who actually cast a ballot were registered Democrats.

How Can Someone Request a Ballot, Receive It, and Return It On The Same Day?

Shortly before the election, the U.S. Postal Service told voters to expect a delivery time of 2.5 days for their ballots. Despite this turnaround time, the Pennsylvania database recorded multiple voters who, despite using a “MAILIN” form to request a ballot, which should take days to reach the state’s election offices, was magically received on the same day. The ballots in these instances were also recorded as mailed out to the voters and returned on the same day.

According to the Epoch Times, more than 35,000 of these kinds of ballots were recorded.

Why Were So Many Ballots Returned Before They Were Requested?

Another question the state has failed to answer is why so many ballots were returned to the state before they were ever requested by a voter.

Thousands of voters are recorded as casting a ballot days or months before the state claims they mailed out the ballot. It is unclear if this means a voter received two ballots or not.

Thousands of ballots were reportedly cast and counted during the summer but were never recorded as having been sent out by the state.

While the state did offer an option for voters to pick up their ballots at a county elections office, there is no clear process in the database to identify if the thousands of voters who have no “ballot mailed date” did this or not.