Democrats and the media are trying to fulfill their promise to win the 2020 election through litigation instead of votes. Most of us are not poll watchers, election lawyers, or elected officials. We’ve already voted. There is not much left to do while we wait but to pray for our country. So those of us who do pray should all be doing that.
Here are six ways to pray for our country right now, followed by three ways to practically help the nation we love during what is likely to become another bitter fight.
1. Pray For Your Enemies
Many of us feel like those who differ from us politically are our enemies. Right now, I’m going to sideline that worthy argument to remind readers that Christians are commanded to pray for even evil people, even those who hate us, and even those who persecute us. If Christ could pray and die on behalf of people who tortured him to death and likewise torture his children to death, we can also pray that we learn to love our enemies and that those we feel are our enemies would be mercifully called to repentance.
2. Repent
We can also pray for the reconciliation that flows from repentance to be spread abroad in our land. There is no reconciliation without repentance, and we all are sinners and have lots to repent for. We have not loved our neighbors as we ought. We have trusted in men above God. We have fallen short of charitable thoughts and deeds.
It is always the right time to see one’s own sins and ask God to forgive them, and now it is especially pertinent as we remember all the evil, bitterness, and vitriol our nation is enduring and is likely to continue to endure as this election and its results remain to be seen.
3. Pray For Evil to Be Exposed
We all should be able to pray that God will uncover all corruption and evil, bring all misdeeds to light so they can be judged and ended, no matter whose party it comes from or hurts. “Deliver us from evil.”
4. Pray to Love Your Neighbor
We have just seen an election with the largest turnout in nearly a century. That election is obviously very close. The nation is clearly deeply divided, between states, regions, even neighborhoods. Many of those close to us believe deeply in very different things. We all need to learn to love our neighbors, and we can and should ask God to help us all do so.
5. Pray for the Truth to Win
It is the right thing to desire for right to prevail. Even if the truth about the election is painful, we need to know what it is and reckon with reality. Pray for truth to win, no matter whether and who it initially hurts to learn what the truth is. Ultimately, truth is healing, and it is necessary.
6. Pray for Our Country
At the origin of our country, Founding Father Benjamin Franklin said:
The longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth- that God governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without his notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without his aid? We have been assured, Sir, in the sacred writings, that ‘except the Lord build the House they labour in vain that build it.’ I firmly believe this; and I also believe that without his concurring aid we shall succeed in this political building no better than the Builders of Babel: We shall be divided by our little partial local interests; our projects will be confounded, and we ourselves shall become a reproach and bye word down to future ages. And what is worse, mankind may hereafter from this unfortunate instance, despair of establishing Governments be Human Wisdom and leave it to chance, war and conquest.
No ruler gets power without God allowing it. Sometimes he allows evil rulers to chastise the people, to bring them to repentance. We do not fully understand what God is doing in all circumstances, great and small, but we can pray with Christ in the Lord’s Prayer that His will be done in us, and in our country.
Bonus: Practical Things to Do While We All Wait
Nothing is accomplished by spending our hours in anxiety and worry, checking Twitter and all the other feeds constantly while events we cannot control proceed. I don’t believe waiting must be passive, I believe it can be active, receptive, and fruitful. Here are some recommendations I am going to follow today.
7. Do Your Duty
You have responsibilities to other people today — to your boss, to your family, to your church, to your friends, to your community. Fulfill them to the best of your ability. Do your faith and nation proud in your excellence in service to others.
8. Love Your Neighbor
In addition to praying for those whose needs come before you, seek ways to serve them. As part of repentance, perhaps you have thought of people you have failed to love. Is there a single mom who could use a car tune-up or some free babysitting? Did someone you know just have a baby and you failed to support them with a meal or gift? Is an elderly neighbor or relative lonely in COVID isolation today? Address it.
9. Don’t Let the Media Get Inside Your Head
A lot of crazy things may be said in the coming weeks. A lot of true things that may sound crazy may be said. A huge majority of Americans believes the media lies to them, and it is true. So stop listening to them. Don’t waste time refreshing Twitter constantly, or keeping the news on all day marinating your head in conjecture, lies, and hysteria. Use that time instead to serve others.
Perhaps set a timer or alarm at a good time in the day for 15-20 minutes to check up on direct and reliable sources. When the timer goes off, get on with your life. And keep praying. “Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.”