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The Left Won’t Tell Women That Abortion Can Cost Them Their Future Family

abortion, pregnancy
Image CreditPxfuel

Spoiler Alert: For fans of Amazon Prime, trending now is season one of a show called “Utopia,” in which John Cusack plays a billionaire madman who wants to “solve” overpopulation by tricking the world into believing in a global pandemic so he can sell a vaccine that actually sterilizes people. For most of humanity, a medical event ends a person’s ability to have a family.

With abortion, the parallels between fact and this fiction are uncomfortably close.

Why women have abortions is a topic much discussed by those who argue that ending a life in the womb is sometimes necessary. The Guttmacher Institute, the abortion industry think tank established by Planned Parenthood, published a survey examining 32 studies in 27 countries and found that “[w]orldwide, the most commonly reported reason women cite for having an abortion is to postpone or stop childbearing.” What wasn’t reported, however, was how one thing might lead to a woman’s inability to have children at all.

Fully informed consent to any abortion, whether surgical or chemical, should include the long-term implications for women’s fertility, as some women will later find they’ve lost the ability ever to have a child. The abortion industry’s failures to educate women on what might happen to their own bodies following an abortion should be considered malpractice.

Some abortion advocates try to downplay the potential loss. Some argue that telling women about their own bodies is somehow a violation of abortion vendors’ First Amendment rights, but informed consent is not a violation of our rights but a precondition for fulfilling them.

Abortion ends lives, hurting women and preborn children. Maybe people shouldn’t be surprised that a predatory abortion business profiting from such deaths isn’t doing enough to make sure women’s future fertility survives a visit to an abortionist, fighting common-sense laws for informed consent. Protecting infants is the opposite of their business model, but women deserve to know how choosing abortion might mean they never have a child.

Abortionists Are Looking out for Themselves, Not Women

Before any abortion, women must be screened for their blood types. When a woman has an Rh-negative blood type, which affects 15 percent of the population, and her partner is Rh-positive, antibodies can build up in a woman’s body that may leave a first child alone but will attack future pregnancies, which can result in miscarriage.

There is a solution: a shot of Rh immunoglobulin that will neutralize the antibodies if given in time. If not, those antibodies will remain in the mother, ready to attack the blood of a future child.

The abortion lobby, however, has started to argue that they should not have to screen for Rh-negative status, especially for chemical abortions, because it’s “not a requirement” and because so many who are handing out chemical abortion pills haven’t set up medical practices that stock shots of Rh immunoglobulin to protect women.

Writing in the journal Contraception, a who’s who of abortion-industry thought leaders concluded: “Early abortion continues to expand outside of traditional clinics, through telemedicine, self-managed medication abortion, or in smaller offices that do not specialize in obstetrical care. Consequently, requiring Rh testing and anti-D immunoglobulin as part of abortion care is becoming a barrier.”

The barrier, however, is not for women but for those who want to sell abortion pills without health and safety standards.

Abortion Can Cause Preterm Birth

Another complication for post-abortive women is the risk of preterm birth, noted by more than 130 studies. In the journal Human Reproduction, an abortion-friendly publication, researchers note the issues for future pregnancies, writing, “Although legal induced abortion is considered safe, its potential impact on subsequent fertility, ectopic pregnancy and the length of gestation is a public health concern. …  Previous studies have identified a significant relationship between history of induced abortion and spontaneous preterm birth.”

Damage to a woman’s body from abortion can come from complications “including pelvic infection, fever, tissue retention, bleeding and cervical trauma,” which can contribute to early births. One study found that 31.5 percent of preterm births could be traced to abortion.

Preterm birth (occurring before 37 weeks) is a serious event and the leading cause of the deaths of children under five worldwide, according to the World Health Organization. In the United States, the preterm delivery of a baby is the leading cause of infant death. Another study looking at worldwide data noted that the risk of preterm birth increased with the number of abortions.

The World Health Organization also reported that around the world, in countries with reliable data, “preterm birth rates are increasing,” but they disproportionately affect some people. Consider that although black women make up only 13 percent of the population, in 2016, they had 38 percent of all abortions tracked. That community also experiences a higher pre-term birthrate than women of other races.

Abortions Can Severely Hurt or Kill the Mother

Abortions can also increase the chance of a pregnancy implanting in the wrong location, risking the lives of both mother and child.

A study published in the National Library of Medicine notes that abortions can increase a woman’s chance of an ectopic pregnancy, a condition in which rather than implanting in the womb, a fertilized egg implants in a woman’s fallopian tube, where it will not be able to survive and a woman can experience life-threatening bleeding. That risk of ectopic pregnancy does not include women who lost a child through miscarriage. The study followed up on one from about 20 years ago that determined there was a 10-fold risk of ectopic pregnancies for those who had an abortion.

Most severe of all is the fact that removing a woman’s uterus by a hysterectomy sometimes takes place after abortion, ending her ability to carry her own child. The shoddy conditions and gruesome practices of abortion vendors have been well documented. The patient’s needs and safety are sacrificed in such conditions.

Both chemical and surgical abortion can impose severe short- and long-term complications for women who were told the life-ending event is a quick and easy fix. Some women don’t know that agreeing to an abortion means more than just that child will be lost to them forever. One in five cases of abortion can result in “a major complication that requires an overnight hospital stay, a blood transfusion or surgery.”

That’s just the beginning. Infertility is on the rise in America, as today almost 12 percent of women are having difficulty getting pregnant. To head off that kind of heartbreak, fully informed consent, Rh-negative treatment, and follow-up care after all abortions must be required of the abortion industry so it does not quietly and negligently shut down a family’s future.