CNN accidentally displayed an honest chyron Monday afternoon in reporting on the militant mobs terrorizing the Wisconsin town of Kenosha this week after a police shooting of a black man. The chyron however, was taken down after 15 seconds.
“8PM Curfew Ordered After Violent Protests Over Police Shooting Of Unarmed Black Man In Wisconsin,” read the text on screen during “The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer.”
The word “violent” however, was quickly removed and changed to instead read “8PM Curfew Ordered After Protests Over Police Shooting Of Unarmed Black Man In Wisconsin”
The chyron came just hours before a second night of anarchic terror gripped the city, and after mobs already set an entire car dealership and a church on fire in the early hours of Monday morning.
On Monday night, the left-wing militia of social justice warriors took to the streets again to burn the city down.
From one hour ago: Officers patrolled the streets while firefighters continued to put out flames.
— The Federalist (@FDRLST) August 25, 2020