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Rob Lowe Is Buddies With Clarence Thomas, Because Of Course

In a conversation with Conan O’Brian, the “Parks and Rec” star described their charity work together, and the time the Justice gave Lowe’s son career tips.


In a recent episode of Conan O’Brian’s podcast “Conan O’Brian Needs a Friend,” actor Rob Lowe revealed an excellent surprise. The “Parks and Rec” star let it slip when he was asked by Conan about what unusual people he was friends with.

“Uh, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas? Told ya. Look at (your) eyes. That eye vein popped!” Lowe said.

Lowe explained to the incredulous Irishman how he had gotten to know the justice. The two are both members of the Horatio Alger Association, a charity which provides scholarships to high performing students from disadvantaged backgrounds. The charity aims to “educate all youth about the limitless possibilities available through the American free-enterprise system, while underscoring the importance of helping others.” Both serve as role models supporting recipients.

“The society of people in it are pretty studly, and he’s one of them, so that’s how we met.” Lowe explained. He went on to tell of how the justice was actually the one who inducted him. “They put the medal on me in the halls of the Supreme Court, which is the only private ceremony allowed in the Supreme Court.”

“Wow. Okay.” Conan O’Brian responded, who had not initially believed Lowe. The actor went on to describe his conversations with Thomas. “He’s one of those people who occupies such a perception in peoples’ minds, and then you meet him and he’s like ‘if you ever need anything, here’s my number, this is my cell phone.'” Justice Thomas has also helped Lowe’s son, giving him personal tips on clerking.

It’s hardly the first surprising tid bit about originalist justice. In an interview with NPR in 2009, Justice Thomas spoke at length (and with passion) of his love for RVing. He and his wife’s usual summer ‘home’ is a 40-foot Prevost, and they have been known to catch sleep in Walmart parking lots.

“An RV park is very democratic with a small d,” Thomas said about his pastime in a different interview.

You can listen to Robe Lowe’s interview here and listen to his new podcast here. There is no news (yet) on whether Thomas will make a surprise appearance on Lowe’s podcast.