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‘Holiday Candles’ Can’t Change The Fact That Abortion Isn’t ‘Magical’

Image Creditabortion candles

The physical ramifications of abortion are serious and can be life-threatening to the mother, besides of course ending the life of a child—as ‘magical’ as that sounds.


In Texas, the abortion agenda is losing ground. Although the Supreme Court overturned state abortion limits in 2016, a cut in state funding for Planned Parenthood has resulted in widespread panic amongst abortion supporters as the number of abortion facilities in the state drops each year.

This holiday season, the Texas Equal Access Fund, an organization that helps pay for abortions in the northern part of the state, has moved far outside of the realm of reasonable marketing, advertising “Abortion is Magical” holiday party favors.

The holidays certainly are magical, but not for those suffering the mental, emotional, and physical effects of an abortion. According to a study published late last year by the National Institutes of Health, data can be interpreted by both sides of the aisle for skewed perspectives, but ultimately and undeniably “abortion is consistently associated with elevated rates of mental illness,” “the abortion experience directly contributes to mental health problems for at least some women,” and “research in the field cannot adequately measure the extent of impact of abortion on women’s mental illness.”

So yes, the impact exists, and it could be far more in-depth than we can quantify. Abortion-specific post-traumatic stress disorder rising rates of depression have been found in post-abortive women after two years later. Because of these findings, psychiatrist Nada L Stotland, former president of the American Psychiatric Association, well-known for her criticism of the existence of abortion’s negative impacts on mothers, turned to recommended screening women who are considering abortion for potential counseling needs.

Keep in mind a majority of this data was collected on women who fell in the parameters of first- and second-trimester abortions, which occur before the age of viability, when a baby can survive with the assistance of medical technology outside the womb. In recent years though, states have pushed the limits for abortion restrictions. Abortion is now legal in all 50 states and in some extreme cases, allowable until birth.

As of December 1, 25 states allow abortion until the unborn infant’s age of viability, 24 weeks, although technological advancements are proving babies even younger than that age can survive with medical assistance, according to the Guttmacher Institute. The effects of late-term abortion on mothers are likely to be even stronger long-term.

Virginia’s new law is the most heinous of the new late-term abortion laws. In that state, no ban exists until the 25-week mark and recently elected lawmakers have promised to extend that number up until birth in the coming General Assembly this January, while introducing laws to remove basic educational and safety measures from abortion procedures in the state, mimicking New York’s Reproductive Health Act passed last year.

Yet in truth, the physical ramifications of abortion are serious and can be life-threatening to the mother. Complications of abortions include: heavy bleeding, infection, damage to the cervix, scarring of the uterine lining, damage to internal organs, and death—as “magical” for women as all that sounds.

The March for Life organization responded to TEA in typical class-act fashion: “We’d like to extend an invitation to Texas Equal Access to the 2020 March for Life where they will hear about the beauty of life and how being pro-life is pro-woman, as well as hear the testimonies of women and men who regret having been involved in abortion,” the group wrote on Twitter.

Women who seek an abortion commonly seek information and education regarding risks. TEA’s thoughtless post highlights the abortion movement’s disrespect of and disregard for those women who are suffering on the other side of their abortions.