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Elizabeth Warren Lies About Her Son Attending Two Different Private Schools

Elizabeth Warren sent her son, Alex Warren, to a second private school from 1992-1994 during Warren’s time at University of Pennsylvania.


Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts told a school choice activist last week that she sent her children to public schools, but new records show her son, Alex Warren, attended private schools in both Austin, Texas and Haverford, Pennsylvania.

The New York Post reported Warren initially sent her son to a private school in Austin while she was a professor at University of Texas-Austin.

But, Warren also sent her son to Haverford School in Pennsylvania, while she was teaching at the University of Pennsylvania.

Alex Warren was born in 1976, making him 15 years old when he started at Haverford and 17 years old by the end of his time there.

A Haverford alumnus, who attended the private school at the same time as Alex Warren, submitted his yearbook picture to The Federalist.

The same Haverford alumnus said tuition at the time of Alex Warren’s graduation was approximately $11,000 a year.

Last week, while talking to a school-choice activist, Warren said her children only attended public schools.

“No, my children went to public schools,” Warren told school-choice activist Sarah Carpenter.

Warren’s fabricated narrative about sending her children to public school is likely because the truth would conflict with her own education policy. Warren has proposed eliminating private and charter schools by diverting their funding to public schools. Yet, she sent her son to a private school and was an adamant supporter of school-choice when she wrote her book “The Two-Income Trap.” Warren’s flip-flopping stance is likely an attempt to pander to public school activists.

Sending ones children to public school is not something to be ashamed of, and a choice that many parents wish they could make for their children. Warren’s lies reveal the truth about both her as a candidate and our broken education system.