This article quotes obscenities and vulgarities.
This week Kanye West tweeted out that he loved Donald Trump and even posted a selfie in a Make America Great Again hat. In response, a lot of white liberals completely lost their minds.
On Wednesday, Chance The Rapper tweeted: “Black people don’t have to be democrats.”
In response, a lot of woke people on the Internet with blue checkmarks next to their usernames decided to lecture these superstars about racism. Here’s 17 of the worst offenses.
1. This Dude Who Thinks Donald Trump Is Definitely A White Supremacist
2. This Sneakerhead Who Thinks Trump Is A ‘Racist Wannabe Authoritarian’
3. This Hipster Musician Who Doesn’t Like Kayne Normalizing Trump
4. ‘American Dad’ Writer Who Does Not Like Mike Huckabee
Of course they don’t. But take a look at the profiles of the people retweeting your words as a point for their team.
— Soren Bowie (@Soren_Ltd) April 25, 2018
Bitch, she doesn’t even know your name.
— Soren Bowie (@Soren_Ltd) April 20, 2018
5. This Podcaster Who Does Not Like Trump’s Jokes
the Q is, is there anything policy-wise Kanye can point 2 as a reason for liking Trump? Or is it just attitude & "dragon energy?" Cuz none of that shit ever liberated anyone…Trump disses CHI regularly as a punch line 2 a racist joke…Guess that's OK tho…
— Tim Wise (@timjacobwise) April 25, 2018
According to his Twitter bio, he’s been “fighting alt-right Nazis since ’89.”
6. This Washington D.C.-Based Lawyer Who Wants Kanye To Shut Up
Put up or shut up, Kanye. Leave your fancy life in California, move back to Chicago and run for mayor.
— Bradley P. Moss (@BradMossEsq) April 25, 2018
7. This Marathon Runner Who Thinks It’s Stupid To Not Be A Democrat
True. Nothing is stopping all races from being as stupid as they want to be.
— Dane Rauschenberg (@SeeDaneRun) April 25, 2018
This is Enchanted Rock in Texas. Where 9/10th of Trump supporters would gladly see you hanging by a tree. But yeah, be calm.
— Dane Rauschenberg (@SeeDaneRun) April 25, 2018
8. This Woman Who Can’t Even
But explain to me why any person of color would stand by the GOP or Trump now? It’s a war zone out here for them… I’m white WITH privilege and i jumped ship as fast as i could.
I’m asking seriously – why?
— Jaime Primak (@JaimePrimak) April 25, 2018
Wait – so George Bush doesn’t like black people, but Trump does?
— Jaime Primak (@JaimePrimak) April 25, 2018
9. This Man Bun Enthusiast Who Is Also Upset About Minimum Wage In Kansas
10. This Radio Show Host
11. This Sports Writer
Or, shouldn't support a racist…
— Vincent Frank (@VincentFrankNFL) April 25, 2018
12. This Pundit Who Needs A Fainting Couch, STAT!
.@kanyewest , how can you love a man who world leaders have compared to Hitler, who defended white supremacists who killed at Charolottesville, attacked #TakeAKnee , pardoned Arpaio, led a racist birther witch hunt against Obama, and who inspires the Klan? #resist #KanyeWest
— Dr. DaShanne Stokes (@DaShanneStokes) April 25, 2018
13. This Folk Musician Who Can Finally Criticize Kanye Without Fearing He Is Being Racist
I thought Kanye West was a dick when I saw his disrespectful Glastonbury performance.
Then I thought – careful now … maybe I'm being racist – hold back.
Then I saw Kanye West saying he thinks that the massive racist, Donald Trump is great.
Yeah … he's a dick!
— John Spiers (@squeezyjohn) April 25, 2018
14. This Cheesehead Who Thinks Kanye Is Being Used As A Prop By White People
The conservative movement propping up Kanye West is the same as propping up someone with a history of sexism, ignorance, and racist comments. Oh wait…
— Benji Backer (@BenjiBacker) April 25, 2018
15. This Writer Who Knows What’s Best For Minority Communities
16. This Comedian Who Is Demanding Answers
#RoseanneBarr #KanyeWest explain how you blindly support this cruel anti-trans people,anti-equality,racist,sexist,piece of #MAGA garbage who's allowing elephants to be slaughtered,taking food & meds from the neediest, enriching his grifting family, friends & you?…oh…I get it.
— Tom Arnold (@TomArnold) April 21, 2018
17. This Music Critic Who Thinks Album Reviews Need To Reference Kanye’s Old Tweets
Every review of Kanye’s new album should open with the line “Kanye West, who inexplicably met with noted racist Donald Trump immediately after his election, …”
— Dan Ozzi (@danozzi) April 21, 2018