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Podcast: Behind The Cameras Of White House Press Briefings, CPAC, And DACA


White House Correspondent Saagar Enjeti joins Bre Payton on the Federalist Radio Hour. They discuss an upcoming immigration battle and the crazy of covering the administration.


On this episode of the Federalist Radio Hour, we interview Daily Caller White House correspondent Saagar Enjeti and Federalist Senior Contributor Nicole Russell.

Enjeti joins Bre Payton in studio, to describe the behind-the-scenes chaos of White House press briefings. He also recaps the biggest stories coming from this weekend’s CPAC.

“A lot of what Mona [Charen] said is fair. It’s a fair criticism that we hear from conservative women,” he said. “The reality is…she is wholesale against Trumpism and Trump himself. It’s whenever they start to go against Trumpism, their opposition to economic nationalism…it all gets looped into this media sensation.”

Later in the hour, Russell breaks down the details of Wheaton College’s victory over the Obamacare contraceptive mandate.

Listen here: