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Meet Triplets Saved Just In Time From Chinese Abortion Threat

Image CreditCourtesy Heartbeat of Miami

Had the couple stayed longer in China, Mensheng and the boys may have been prime targets for a totalitarian regime that has aborted more than 400 million babies.


Even at first glance, it’d be hard not to fall in love with Landon, Winston, and Auden—triplets born December 22 in Miami. The more you find out about the boys’ journey into the world, however, the more remarkable they become.

Currently recovering in a Miami neonatal intensive care unit, baby Landon was born at just over two pounds, while his brothers each weighed in at three pounds, five ounces at birth. While the boys and their parents face a prolonged stay in the hospital to start their life outside the womb together, the fact the boys were born at all may be a miracle.

That’s because the boys’ parents, Mensheng, and her husband, Zhang, were in the process of relocating from their home in China to the United States when they got pregnant, and didn’t realize they were expecting until shortly after they arrived in Miami.

Had the couple stayed a few months—or even a few weeks—longer in China, Mensheng and the boys may have been prime targets for a totalitarian regime that has aborted more than 400 million babies since it instituted its one-child policy in 1979.

China Still Forces Parents to Abort

While the government announced a change to the radical policy in late 2015, forced abortion still remains a significant factor under the so-called “Two-Child Policy” in effect. Enforcing the policy is delegated to the local level, leaving the lives of preborn twins and triplets in the hands of local family planning officers. They enforce the policy arbitrarily and in secrecy, noted Women’s Rights Without Frontiers President Reggie Littlejohn, an expert on forced abortion in China.

The fact that Mensheng and Zhang were in the United States before finding out they were pregnant was an act of God, says Martha Avila, president of Heartbeat of Miami. Heartbeat is a group of five locations, including four pro-life medical clinics offering free ultrasounds, pregnancy tests, peer counseling, post-abortive support, and material aid.

“The Lord rescued these babies even though they were conceived in China,” Avila said. “God allowed them to come here in time so that these babies could live. They were fearful about being alone. They had no one at all in the States, but they found love and support at our clinic, and they saw the love of Jesus in action.”

In June 2015, Avila traveled to China with Rev. John Ensor, who founded Heartbeat of Miami and PassionLife Ministries, an international agency focused on helping churches with pro-life work in China and Cuba, as well as other current and former communist nations.

On her trip to China, Avila was shocked to see the continued fallout of the country’s decades-long oppression of women and families through forced abortion. That trip was an eye-opener for Avila, who has served as Heartbeat of Miami’s president since it first opened in 2007.

“These triplets from this Chinese couple really hit my heart,” Avila said. “I was in awe to see how women were being forced to abort their second baby [in China]. Yet most, if not all, do not want to abort—they are forced to. Then I have the opportunity to see how the Lord rescued these babies even though they were conceived in China. We are rejoicing in God’s grace over these triplets.”

Reversing Anti-Child Policies

Since it began serving women in 2007, Heartbeat of Miami has seen well more than 35,000 women choose life for their babies in one of the most abortion-heavy cities in the United States. When the organization first opened, it was the first known pregnancy center in Miami-Dade County, compared with 37 abortion businesses. Today, Heartbeat of Miami occupies two closed abortion businesses among its five total locations.

Newly arrived from China and with no family in town, Mensheng and Zhang reached out to Heartbeat of Miami for help in mid-2017. There, they found Lourdes Ponce, who connected them with the center’s material help and relational support.

This is the second set of triplets Heartbeat of Miami has welcomed in the past three years. The first set—whose mother was 47 and set on abortion before finding out she was expecting not one, but three babies—will turn three years old in March.

“What an awesome opportunity for Lourdes to show them the love of Christ Jesus our Lord,” Avila said. “God’s mercy allowed these babies to be born here in the United States even though they were conceived in China. Mensheng and Zhang are not alone. They have all of us.”