A California teen recreated her prom look the day after the school dance because her hardworking father had missed his chance to see her all glammed up.
Lourdes Medrano of Salinas, California put her prom dress back on and re-curled her hair the day after prom so she could pose with her dad in a photo that’s since gone viral.
“My dad works in tractors for Boutonnet Farms,” Medrano told mitú. “Since my dad is always helping out with my expenses, I just wanted to show him some appreciation back.”
When she told her dad that the photo had gone viral, his response was: “Ok. Ha haaa.”
“Before this went viral, I did appreciate him for all of his hard work, but I have recently been getting some touching stories of people who have lost their dads and how my tweet made them remember theirs!” she said in an interview with Vivala. “We have to appreciate our loved ones while they are still here with us.”