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Leftist Millennial Protestors Flip Off Memorial For Communist Victims

Image CreditScreengrab/Twitter

A group of leftist millennials flipped off a monument in Washington DC that commemorates the 100 million victims whose lives have been lost under communist regimes.


A group of millennials recently flipped off a monument in Washington DC that commemorates the 100 million victims whose lives were lost under communist regimes.

The obscene action appears to be part of a protest against the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s conference, a pro-Israel annual gathering last month where Vice President Mike Pence was a keynote speaker. Outside of the conference, an estimated 1,000 people gathered in Washington DC to protest it and push the idea that Israel should give up more land in an effort to appease hostile neighbors.

The same account belonging to an individual who describes himself as a Black Bolshevik and aligned with the #BlackLiberationMovement and #FreePalestine tweeted out anti-Israel, anti-police, and pro-Palestinian photos of demonstrators just minutes before issuing the photo of a group of people flipping off the memorial. An individual in the photo above appears to have a Palestinian flag draped over his or her arm.

By contrast, a Cuban dissident known as El Sexto, who was imprisoned for celebrating Fidel Castro’s recent death, recently visited the memorial and was moved to tears.

In 2007, President George W. Bush dedicated the memorial, which was funded by private donations, on the anniversary of Ronald Reagan’s anti-Communist speech delivered at Brandenburg Gate, during which he famously said: “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”

Ironically, the memorial is a bronze replicas of a statue students constructed in 1989 during the Tiananmen Square protest, which led to an infamous bloody confrontation between student protestors and the Communist Chinese government.