Federalist staff writer Bre Payton joined Fox News on Wednesday to talk about the downsides of early voting.
Payton mentioned a conversation she had on Monday with a Californian who had been planning to vote for Hillary Clinton, but changed his mind after news broke that the FBI is re-opening its investigation into her use of a private e-mail server during her tenure as secretary of State.
“Early voting is bad for democracy,” she said. “I could see a lot of people who did cast a vote for Hillary Clinton, [who are now] seeing all this kind of stuff, become really frustrated with the political system and the way that powerful people are able to skirt the law.”
It appears an official at the Department of Justice was working in cahoots with Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta throughout the initial federal probe into her server. E-mails published by WikiLeaks reveal Assistant Attorney General Peter Kadzik tried to warn Podesta last May that Hillary’s e-mails were a possible line of questioning during a House Judiciary Committee hearing.
Podesta and Kadzik have a close relationship. Kadzik was Podesta’s lawyer in 1998. The DOJ official also tried to get his son a job with the Clinton campaign two weeks prior to sending Podesta the “heads up” e-mail.