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Mike Huckabee’s Flawed ‘Jaws’ Analogy Has Trump Getting Eaten By Shark Hillary

‘I hate to be the one to tell you this, but Captain Quint got eaten by the shark at the end of that movie.’


Sometimes an analogy just doesn’t play out the way you want. Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee was on “The Kelly File” Monday night when he swam up the wrong metaphorical stream, getting his preferred candidate cornered by a Great White.

In an attempt to downplay the effect of recently leaked tapes of Donald Trump speaking crudely of women and his sexual conquests, Huckabee compared the brash GOP presidential candidate to Capt. Quint in Steven Spielberg’s 1975 classic movie, “Jaws.”

“He’s vulgar, he’s salty. He might even get drunk. But hold on, here! He’s the guy who’s gonna save your butt and save your family. And, so at the end of the day, when he kills the shark, you’re happy about it. Now, Hillary is the shark. She’s gonna eat your boat. She’s gonna have open borders, immigration out the kazoo. And, so the choice is do you vote for Captain Quint, who’s gonna save your family, or do you vote for the shark? That’s the choice you get to make.”

Kelly, maintaining a genial side-eye during this extended analogy, paused before delivering the spoiler on this classic to Huckabee: “Now, governor, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but Captain Quint got eaten by the shark at the end of that movie.”

Huckabee, realizing his mistake, shook his head and smiled sheepishly.

“But he died saving the other people.”

Kelly, who apparently knows this movie really well, wasn’t going to let it slide.

Kelly: ‘But he died and went down in flames and the shark won between the two of them.’

Huckabee: ‘The shark didn’t win. The shark got blown up.’

Kelly: ‘After it ate him.’

Kelly closed the interview with her own rendition of Quint’s sea shanty: “Farewell and adieu, my fair Spanish ladies.”

“Any analogy can fall apart. Work with me, here. This is a good one,” Huckabee said in a style reminiscent of “please clap.” It may indeed be a very good one, especially given the pace of October surprises, but not for the reasons Huckabee thinks.

Richard Dreyfuss backed up Kelly: