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Hemingway: Media Should Freak Out About Democrats Jailing People, Not Trump

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‘If people want to be outraged, there’s plenty to be outraged about — that Hillary Clinton escaped justice is not something to be upset that Donald Trump points out.’


Federalist Senior Editor Mollie Hemingway joined Fox News’ “On The Record” to explain why the media’s reaction to Donald Trump’s joke — that if he were elected, Hillary Clinton would be jailed for breaking several national security laws — is over-the-top.

“Most people think Hillary Clinton broke the law, most people do think she should have been indicted, most people do think there are two systems of law in this country: one for normal people and one for people who are connected to the Clintons and other elite political figures,” Hemingway said.

“If people really were upset about what was going on, they would think about what the Obama administration has done and what other progressives have done to target their political opponents,” she said.

She said Democrats twist the law to pillory their opponents all the time, including “everyone from David Daleiden who exposed the Planned Parenthood harvesting and sale of fetal body parts, [to] President Obama, who joked about how IRS should go after his political enemies — and then they did.”

Hemingway pointed out that Trump said he would appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Clinton’s private email server independently. So the media’s insistence that the GOP nominee would misuse the law to imprison her unjustly is misguided.

“If people want to be outraged, there’s plenty to be outraged about — that Hillary Clinton escaped justice is not something to be upset that Donald Trump points out,” she said.