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Hulu Wins April Fool’s Day With Its New Dating Service HuluDatr

Image Credithulu

Hulu, the online video streaming service, pulled off a truly great April Fool’s Day gag with the rollout of HuluDatr, its fake new dating service.


You can close the voting right now, because Hulu, the popular online video streaming service, just won all the April Fool’s Day awards with the hilarious rollout of HuluDatr, its new dating service. Visitors to are immediately greeted with a large, above-the-fold banner announcing the new soulmate search app.

“Introducing HuluDatr, the revolutionary free new app that will transform the way soul mates find one another,” the site announces. “Press play on your love life.”

What makes the gag really work, though, is the effort that Hulu put into the whole thing. It’s not just a single page with some funny ad copy. No, Hulu went all out and produced 11 separate video ads touting HuluDatr:

“With HuluDatr,” one ad’s pitchman declares, “You can find ‘The One’ without getting dressed up, leaving your couch or even talking.”

“The same night I opted in, he showed up at my door,” another woman tells the camera. “It was like ordering a pizza!”

But that’s not all. HuluDatr offers more than just a companion finder. It also includes several options and settings to help you get busy once you find that special someone. With Hulu Mood Settr, you can set just the right mood with the click of a button:

Bravo, Hulu, Bravo. You truly are a Real American April Fool’s Day Hero.