Dr. Larry Arnn is the president of Hillsdale College and the author of Churchill’s Trial: Winston Churchill and the Salvation of Free Government. Arnn explored Churchill’s life and some of his greatest speeches, writings and beliefs.
Arnn noted that you can learn something about how to live by studying a great statesman. “We have enormous power of nature, which means enormous power over one another,” he said. “And so that makes war potentially more catastrophic and that makes politics potentially more despotic than they’ve ever been.”
They discussed the lessons that Churchill took from the first World War, and how he applied them to the second. Arnn described his daily routines, his decision making, and his self-criticisms. “Freedom means doing something more than whatever you please,” he said. “Anybody who takes your security in his hands, will be in a position to tell you what to do.”
World War II was in many ways a great disappointment to Churchill and he felt country had become weaker. “And he saw all that and he fought against it. Almost all of Churchill’s life is fighting against odds that are implausible that he could stand up to.” Arnn said.
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