How can evangelical churches engage American culture in the 21st Century? How are presidential candidates addressing religious liberty issues different than in past elections? Dr. Russell Moore joins the Federalist Radio Hour to discuss these changes in religion. Moore is the president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention and author of Onward: Engaging the Culture without Losing the Gospel.
Moore and Domenech explore the latest news circulating the Planned Parenthood attacks and how the pro-life movement will have to respond. “I think that’s further complicated by the fact that when we do have such a large percentage of people in American culture who have had abortions, or who have facilitated abortions without having resolved the guilt that comes with this,” he said.
As America sees a rise in those who are spiritually wayward or what many studies have called the “rise of the nones” and people who are neither atheist or belong to any belief, Moore said he thinks this makes being a Christian even more distinct.
“There was a time in American history where one really had to be affiliated with a church to be considered a good person,” he said. “Now, one doesn’t have to pretend to be a Christian to find a spouse, get a job or even elected to office.”
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