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BREAKING: Yale Employees Email Offensive Image

Yale employees are so sorry, they’ve put themselves in public stocks.


NEW HAVEN — Yesterday, Yale University’s Association of Yale Alumni shocked many by distributing via an email what it later described as a “culturally offensive” image.

The shocking image depicted (TRIGGER WARNING) a cartoon sombrero and mustache appended onto a screenshot from the popular television show “Game of Thrones.”  Yale Education Travel Assistant Director David McIntosh, along with Senior Director Kathy Edersheim, later sent out an e-mail begging recipients to “accept our sincere apologies for any offense we may have caused.”

We reprint the image below so our audience can understand adequately just how many months of therapy some will need after being exposed to it. Please be advised.


The highly offensive e-mail—and the absurdly inadequate apology—is but one example of countless offensive sombrero-related things that have offended people at colleges across the United States recently. At Claremont McKenna College earlier this month, students were offended after a very offensive image surfaced of two white women wearing sombreros and fake mustaches at a Halloween event. At the University of Louisville, many suffered serious seizures when the president of the university was spotted wearing “stereotypical Mexican costumes with sombreros.”

It is unclear if McIntosh and Edersheim will resign from their positions at Yale in well-deserved disgrace. Offense-taking experts agree that, at the very least, anyone who has caused offense on a college campus should undergo a minimum three-week groveling period, followed by a year on Cultural Sensitivity Probation.

At press time, there were reports that multiple students were erecting several tents and cardboard structures outside of Yale’s Rose Alumni House while monotonously chanting “safe space.”