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Ted Cruz’s Favorite Simpsons Episodes May Surprise You

Ted Cruz tells us about his favorite Simpsons episodes. They might surprise you.


On the latest edition of The Federalist Radio Hourwhich streams here from 4-5 PM Eastern – Texas Senator Ted Cruz talked to us about Iran, Common Core, ethanol policy, the doc fix, why his fellow Senators don’t necessarily like him, and what he does to unwind on the campaign trail (video games and binge watching “mind candy” TV).

He also told us about his two favorite episodes of The Simpsons. Cruz is a big fan of the show, but his picks might surprise you.

First, Cruz talked about how much he loved “Round Springfield”, the episode where Jazz musician Bleeding Gums Murphy passed away, imitating the voices of James Earl Jones as Mustafa, Darth Vader, and Jones himself.

Next up, Cruz cited the episode “Treehouse of Horror VII”, and particularly the “Citizen Kang” portion of it, where aliens Kang and Kodos face off as the disguised candidates Bill Clinton and Bob Dole.

Here’s Cruz’s rendition of the infamous line from their presidential debate:

The original is here:

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