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Jillian Michaels Trashes Far-Left California Governance To Explain Move To Florida

Michaels slammed Gavin Newsom along with ‘crazy’ California’s soft-on-crime policies and radical transgender laws.


Celebrity fitness guru Jillian Michaels slammed California as having “got way too crazy for me” when explaining why she moved to Florida.

“I grew up here. I’m a woman. I’m a gay woman. My mom’s a Jew. My dad’s an Arab. I have a black kid. And believe it or not, my son is half Latin, even though he doesn’t look like it,” Michaels said. “I hold a million cards in your game of woke victimology poker. And when I leave California, maybe you’ve lost your f—ing mind. Just maybe! Like when you have me running from home, maybe it’s gone way too far.”

Michaels insisted the state’s far-left lawmakers disillusioned her from the state with laws she described as “f—ing mind-boggling.”

“In relation to crime, protecting our kids — like, we’re decriminalizing everything, which, arguably, I would probably be okay with, but we’re not regulating any of it,” Michaels said. “So it’s like, okay, you’re gonna decriminalize sex work but only so women can legally loiter on the streets, like not to keep them safe, not to have them pay taxes, not to make them, you know, regularly check for STDs, not to take away the pimps out of the equation. Like if you made that argument to me, I’d be like, ‘Well, yes, of course.’”

Michaels also spoke against California’s transgender laws allowing minors to be prescribed cross-sex hormones with permanent consequences.

“If my son came to me and said, ‘Mom’ — or my daughter — ‘I think I’m trans.’ I’d say, ‘Okay, you know, like, you want to dress this way. You want me to call you whatever the heck you want … fine. Explore it. I love you. I’m cool, do you as long as we’re safe,’” she said. “But we’re not changing your body until it’s fully developed. I’m sorry. Conversation’s over. Can’t get a f—ing tattoo!”

“It’s madness,” Michaels added. “It’s madness to me. I could go on and on and on. And it’s madness.”

The former “Biggest Loser” host who now lives in Miami explained, “I actually haven’t changed.”

“The world around me is shifting,” she said, “and I haven’t moved” politically.

Michaels previously trashed California’s far-left governor on Bill Maher’s podcast, “Club Random,” in February, condemning Gavin Newsom’s apathy on crime, hypocrisy on COVID, and leniency on utilities responsible for the ignition of massive wildfires.

“My house got broken into,” she explained. “And guess who let the guy out during Covid? … Newsom.”

“It was the guy’s third offense, he broke into our house, he had duct tape and a video camera,” she said. “Anyway, long story, third strike, guy goes to jail, gets let out during Covid. I mean give me a f—ing break.”

“You’re not going to hold PG&E accountable for that fire in 2018,” Michaels added. “You’re going to decriminalize everything, regulate nothing. You’re prioritizing the craziest sh-t I’ve ever seen in my life. C’mon, really?”

Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) confessed to killing 84 people in the 2018 wildfire after poorly maintained power lines ignited a blaze that burned down nearly the entire town of Paradise. Despite a multimillion-dollar settlement from the company, victims who lost their homes doubt they will ever be fully paid.

Michaels also admonished the governor for freely dining at the French Laundry while he unilaterally barred maskless indoor gatherings of more than three households and tightened restrictions further for the Thanksgiving holiday.

“He didn’t follow his own rules,” Michaels said. “If you’re going to be a leader, you lead by example.”

California’s residential exodus has continued under Newsom, who survived a recall election in 2021.

“Of the ten most popular relocation routes searched by the firm’s customers in 2024[,] five involved moving from a California metro area to a different state, while [only one] involved a move in the opposite direction,” Newsweek reported Monday, citing data from a relocation tech company.

According to The Center Square, southeastern states such as Michaels’ new home in Florida are seeing the most incoming migration.

“The states where the most residents said they were planning to leave are California, New York, New Jersey, Illinois and Washington,” the Square reported. “The most popular states with growth for inbound migration are North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Tennessee and Texas.”

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