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President Joe Biden’s Border Invasion Victimizes Young And Old Americans Everywhere

Alex Wise Jr. memorial
Image CreditNewWest9/YouTube

An illegal border crosser who was previously deported five times allegedly killed a ten-year-old Texas child in a hit and run last week. It’s happening everywhere.


A 10-year-old Midland, Texas boy lost his life walking home from school last week after an illegal border crosser who was previously deported five times allegedly killed the child in a hit and run.

Rogelio Ortiz-Olivas, 50, struck pedestrian Alex Wise Jr. last Thursday as the boy made his trek home from school, say police. Ortiz-Olivas drove his black truck around other stopped vehicles just before he hit Wise. Wise, who was in critical condition, was quickly air-flighted to the Texas panhandle to receive extra medical care. He died a day later.

Ortiz-Olivas, who went by Juan Ortiz Perez at the time of the incident, was eventually arrested after an officer at a traffic stop spotted his damaged hood bearing an “impression of a skull.” He was charged with a third-degree felony of “hit and run, accident causing death” for “driver negligence” and failing to stop and render aid.

Local arrest records confirm the Midland County sheriff’s office is holding Ortiz on a $100,000 bond for “collision involving serious bodily injury,” “driving while intoxicated,” and another immigration detainer. Ortiz-Olivas was previously deported five times but successfully re-crossed President Joe Biden’s open border and resided on the edge of the Texas oil town.

“He deserves everything he gets,” Wise’s mother Sykia Benson wrote on Facebook shortly after law enforcement announced its arrest of Ortiz-Olivas.

A few days later, Benson celebrated word of Ortiz-Olivas’ pending indictment as “good new[s].”

Open Borders Hit Home

Midland Police Department Chief Seth Herman told local news outlets in 2023 the influx of illegal border crossers from South and Central America has dramatically increased organized crime in the Permian Basin. Traditionally recognized “border” towns and states like Texas, however, aren’t the only ones suffering the consequences of incentivized illegal immigration.

Stories of illegal border crossers who should have faced permanent deportation long ago but continued committing crimes in the United States are becoming more common. Before Biden took office, nearly two-thirds of federal arrests involved border-breaking suspects. Now, after more than 10 million crossings under Biden’s catch-and-release regime, criminals who have no business in America are not only entering with little to no scrutiny but staying.

Since October 2023, more than 3,000 illegal migrants committed murder, manslaughter, assault, battery, domestic violence, burglary, robbery, larceny, theft, fraud, driving under the influence, illicit drug possession and trafficking, illegal possession of weaponry, and a slew of sexual offenses including rape were recorded in the United States. In Texas alone, hundreds of thousands of illegal border crossers who were caught and fingerprinted in the last decade were charged with 513,000 criminal offenses beyond breaking U.S. immigration laws.

Crime by illegal border crossers isn’t the only consequence of open borders. American communities and families everywhere are feeling the effects of the national opioid crisis.

The rise of fentanyl in the United States has created a record-breaking epidemic that is directly sustained by our foreign enemies. Chinese Communist Party-linked companies provide criminal organizations the chemicals to make the potent synthetic opioid. Those cartels then smuggle billions of dollars worth of fatal drugs into the United States.

More than a quarter of a million people across thousands of American cities and towns have died due to fentanyl overdoses since Biden took office: 71,238 in 2021, 73,654 people in 2022, and more than 112,000 in 2023.

Security And Lives Are At Risk

Biden’s open border policies put not just our national security at risk, but the lives of innocent Americans like 10-year-old Alex Wise Jr. The consequences of allowing foreigners to repeatedly enter the United States illegally with little to no vetting and zero attempt at assimilation endangers Americans’ daily lives.

The record-breaking number of illegal border crossers in the United States are flooding neighborhoods, taking up local hotel space, overcrowding shelters, and even forcing kids home from school.

Even American kids who still have access to physical classrooms could become the next Wise Jr.: victims of careless crime that could’ve been prevented if foreigners who illegally crossed the U.S. border were permanently deported.

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