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Breaking News Alert Watchdog To DOJ: Investigate Oregon For Destroying Voter Records

While Election Results Drag On, Leftists Are Already Crying About Losing Total Control

When the GOP started off strong in Florida, blue checkmarks on Twitter, Democrats, and the propaganda press predictably lost their minds.


While inefficient Democrat states take eons to report election results, the corrupt corporate media and keyboard warriors everywhere are melting down over the possibility of losing total control of the government power they’ve squandered for the last two years.

When word reached Americans that the GOP started off the midterms strong with a massive Senate and gubernatorial sweep in Florida, blue checkmarks on Twitter, Democrats, and the propaganda press predictably lost their minds.

After reading exit polling suggesting that skyrocketing inflation is voters’ top concern, CNN lamented that voters are more worried about the rising cost of groceries and gas than leftists’ “threat to democracy” lies. “You know what’s missing from this one, two, three, four, five, top five issues? Democracy. It’s not even here. That’s not to say it’s not an issue for people but it doesn’t even come close,” CNN’s Dana Bash whined during her network’s election night coverage.

Around that same time, MSNBC’s Jason Johnson minimized the democratic process of voting by claiming that “we can’t say that whatever happens tonight is a fair and equitable election.”

“The level of voter suppression is beyond anything that we saw in 2018,” he asserted without evidence.

MSNBC’s Joy Reid also resorted to lying to undermine GOP victories, specifically in Florida. Not only did she falsely claim Miami-Dade County “has been trending Republican for a really long time” but she also wondered when Florida will become “a normal political state and not just a far, far, far right state.”

Convicted thief and viral purveyor of misinformation Rex Chapman, who lost his spot with CNN after less than one month on air, offered his complaints about the state of “our democracy” under the leadership of Republican powerhouses like the recently reelected Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis via Twitter.

In addition to the propaganda press’s meltdown, plenty of media personalities and Americans invoked the classic but overdone promises to move from certain states once it was clear Republicans were winning.

“[W]here should i move” one Buzzfeed reporter asked.

Even before results poured in on election night, the corrupt corporate media were preparing for the worst with doomsday-style prepping lists designed to pander to emotional voters who need help coping with actual democratic processes.

“Elections and anxiety often go hand in hand,” The New York Times tweeted. “Here are some evidence-based strategies that can help you cope.”

The list featured suggestions such as “breathe like a baby” and “limit your scrolling” as a way to “soothe election stress.”

The graphic was thoroughly mocked by normal people who don’t require such audacious behaviors to cope.

One kind soul on Twitter took it upon himself to “fix” the graphic to reflect more appropriate actions such as downing “five shots of hard liquor” and enduring waterboarding disguised as a “cool down.”

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