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Dobbs Isn’t The End. It’s The Beginning Of A Ballot Measure Battle To Save Preborn Lives In Every State

sonogram of pre-born baby
Image CreditAmina Filkins/Pexels

There’s still plenty of pro-life work left to be done in states, especially those where leftists are dreaming up new ways to hurt children.


The U.S. Supreme Court’s Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization ruling is not the end of the fight for unborn lives. It’s the beginning of a long, drawn-out battle to save unborn lives in all 50 states which are no longer under the curse of Roe v. Wade.

Despite the moaning, groaning, and gnashing of teeth from the pro-abortion left and their cronies in the corrupt corporate media that the end of women’s “health” is near, the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the infamous ruling from 1973 will give states the authority to create their own protections for life inside the womb.

Voters and legislators in several states such as Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, and Montana, are attempting through petitions and bills to incorporate laws or constitutional amendments affirming an unborn or born alive baby’s right to live on their respective 2022 midterm ballots. Their quest to explicitly “defend and protect unborn children,” as stated in the Iowa legislature’s proposal, would strengthen the states’ abilities to restrict and even ban abortion. 

Many of these measures are strongly opposed by pro-abortion groups and politicians who aren’t happy to see Roe go. In Kansas, Democrat Gov. Laura Kelly wrote off her state’s proposed life-saving amendment as an “economic development issue.”

“There are a number of CEOs who really look to see what kind of inclusive policies we have in place that make it easier for them to recruit and retain a talented work force. It will be an economic development issue for us,” Kelly said.

A Dobbs victory is worth celebrating because it means that pro-lifers who have benefitted from years of the cultural swing towards preserving life have an even better chance at protecting the unborn. But beware because it also opens the door for radically pro-baby-killing states to double down on their abortion agendas.

While pro-life voters and legislatures are actively fighting to amend constitutions to include protections for preborn babies, pro-abortion groups are plotting to take advantage of the festering Dobbs panic on the left and in the corporate media to rally their troops to put killing infants back on the books. Many blue states are trying to radically codify the unmitigated slaughter of unborn infants. If they are successful, hundreds of thousands of preborn babies will continue to die in states, predominantly Democrat-controlled ones, each and every year.

In Arizona, the pro-abortion group Arizonans for Reproductive Freedom is racing against the clock to gather enough signatures on a petition that would put killing unborn babies up for a vote in November. If certified by the secretary of state at the July 7 deadline and then approved by enough voters in the fall, the Grand Canyon State’s constitution would be amended to endorse abortions up to “the point in a pregnancy at which … there is a reasonable likelihood of sustained fetal survival outside the uterus with or without artificial support.”

At the behest of Planned Parenthood and Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom, leftist legislators in California are already well on their way to codifying abortion. Just this week, the state senate passed a constitutional amendment that would bar the Golden State from banning abortion. If two-thirds of the California state assembly votes to pass the amendment by June 30, it will appear on voters’ ballots in November.

In Michigan, the pro-abortion group “Reproductive Freedom For All” has teamed up with Planned Parenthood, ACLU of Michigan, and progressive organization Michigan Voices, to garner public support for a constitutional amendment that would solidify abortion as an unregulated practice in the state.

If the measure is added to the ballot and subsequently passed by voters, something Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has expressed support for, it would not only keep abortions around in Michigan but would likely make them more accessible by neutering laws banning baby killing after “viability” and permitting minors to get abortions without parental consent.

“This poorly-worded amendment would repeal dozens of state laws, including our state’s ban on tax-funded abortions, the partial-birth abortion ban, and fundamentally alter the parent-child relationship by preventing parents from having input on their children’s health,” Citizens to Support MI Women and Children said in a statement rejecting the attempt to codify abortion.

Perhaps the most radical example of this push to codify abortion is in Vermont. Abortion in Vermont already became codified in 2019, but pro-abortion politicians and organizations in the state, including GOP Gov. Phil Scott, Democrat Lt. Gov. Molly Gray, the ACLU of Vermont, and Planned Parenthood Action Fund, are pushing for voters to take it one step further and amend the state constitution in favor of killing unborn babies and mutilating children.

Come November, Vermonters will choose whether to approve or reject the measure which claims abortion is a “right” that “shall not … be infringed” and that the fatal practice is “central to the liberty and dignity to determine one’s own life course.” If the measure passes, Vermont’s constitution likely be endorsing taxpayer-funded irreversible sex experiments on children.

Dobbs is not the end-all solution because there’s still plenty of pro-life work left to be done in states, especially those like Vermont where leftists are dreaming up new ways to hurt children. Conservatives and pro-lifers need to act now while the wind from possibly the largest Supreme Court decision in history is behind their backs.