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Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer Gives In To Democrats’ Demands That He Retire

Stephen Breyer retiring from SCOTUS
Image Credit YouTube/Photo

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer plans to retire from his position on the highest court in the land at the end of its current term.

Breyer, one of the three left-wing SCOTUS justices, first joined the court in 1994 after he was nominated by Bill Clinton and confirmed 87 to 9 in the U.S. Senate. For the last 27 years, Breyer has used his position on the court to hand down decisions that satisfy Democrats. He often sided with his liberal colleagues such as Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan.

Breyer, who is the oldest sitting justice on the court at 83 years old, has yet to state his exact reasons for leaving the court now. His decision, however, is not surprising, as Democrats have badgered him to withdraw from the court while they still control the White House, House of Representatives, and Senate.

President Joe Biden has yet to announce whom he plans to nominate to replace Breyer, but he previously promised on the presidential campaign trail that if a vacancy presented itself, he would nominate a black woman.

While the White House said it may or may not release a list of potential Supreme Court candidates, Biden’s nomination track record indicates his SCOTUS nominee will be a radical candidate who, much like Breyer, prioritizes siding with liberal justices instead of preserving the Consitution.