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Cross-Dressing Loudoun Teen Convicted Of Assaulting Female Students Sentenced To Life On Sex Offender Registry

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‘Over the years this court has read many psychosexual reports, and when I read yours, frankly, it scared me,’ the judge said.


A judge sentenced the Loudoun County teenager who sexually assaulted multiple female students, and whose actions the school district subsequently covered up, to life on the sex offender registry and demanded that he receive residential treatment for his actions.

Judge Pamela Brooks said she ordered that the teen be placed on the sex offender registry, something she had never ordered for a juvenile offender in the past, because of his tendency toward sex crimes.

“Over the years this court has read many psychosexual reports, and when I read yours, frankly, it scared me. It scared me for you, it scared me for society,” Brooks said.

In May of 2021, the male teen, who was wearing a skirt, entered a girls’ bathroom at Stone Bridge High School in Loudoun County where he sexually assaulted a ninth-grade girl.

The school district failed to report the assault on the month’s 2021 rape statistics. The school board also publicly denied at the June 22 meeting that there was ever any sexual assault from a transgender-identifying student and later voted to pass a controversial policy, which allows students to ignore their sex and use whichever restroom and locker room matches their “gender identity” on a given day, despite parental outrage.

“To my knowledge, we don’t have any record of assaults occurring in our restrooms,” Superintendent Scott Ziegler stated.

Despite the teen’s history of sexual assault in the district, he was arrested but then released from jail “with an ankle bracelet” and allowed to attend another school in the district. It was there that he assaulted a second Loudoun County female student. Testimony from one of the victims also suggested that a third girl was assaulted, an allegation that the judge said she took into consideration for sentencing.

In court on Wednesday, Scott Smith, one of the victim’s fathers who was smeared by the corporate media and the National School Boards Association as a “domestic terrorist,” recounted how the teen’s actions “caused a huge division in our community.” Smith was arrested last year at a Loudoun school board meeting where he was protesting the proposed Loudoun bathroom and locker room policy, an arrest that the NSBA used in its letter to the Biden administration demanding extreme action from federal law enforcement against parents.

“We were accused of lying about this sexual assault for political gain,” Smith said. “That didn’t go over well with half of Loudoun County, who didn’t patronize our business.” 

It was during the school board’s coverup of the assaults that LCPS’s malfeasance and corruption were exposed. As a result, hundreds of Loudoun County parents became involved in a series of grassroots activism, protesting problems ranging from critical race theory to transgender ideology to COVID lockdowns in their county’s schools.