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University Affirms ‘QAnon Conspiracy’ On COVID Spreading Through WiFi


“We have no choice but to cut the WiFi from all students who do not get the vaccine so we can protect the university from further infection,” administrators said.


Administrators at Quinnipiac University in Hamden, Connecticut are on board with a far-right COVID-19 conspiracy theory Democrats and left-wing media lost their minds over last year.

In sending an email to about 600 unvaccinated students notifying them that they will be fined thousands of dollars if they do not get shots, Quinnipiac also said they will be forced to restrict unvaccinated student access to campus WiFi as administrators can only assume the novel coronavirus is making its way through communications infrastructure.

The university, which is located in a majority Democrat area, shocked the world when it joined the ranks of “[n]ew Agers, right-wingers, and QAnon conspiracy theorists [who] think global elites are using 5G to spread the coronavirus pandemic,” as Buzzfeed News put it in April 2020. It was a solemn day for Americans, as they learned yet another institution is compromised.

“It is our firm belief at the great place we call ‘Quinnipiac,’ the Chinese virus easily makes its way through cords and cables and things, and WiFi is no exception,” a spokeswoman said. “Therefore, we have no choice but to cut the WiFi from all students who do not get the vaccine so we can protect the university from further infection.”

According to the group Alliance For Science, “blaming 5G” is one of the top 10 COVID conspiracy theories. The World Health Organization (WHO) includes the conspiracy in its COVID “Mythbusters” section.

“Viruses cannot travel on radio waves/mobile networks,” WHO says. “COVID-19 is spreading in many countries that do not have 5G mobile networks. COVID-19 is spread through respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs, sneezes or speaks. People can also be infected by touching a contaminated surface and then their eyes, mouth or nose.”

The email to students also said that those who have yet to be vaccinated “must immediately close their browser and stop watching the porn stuff,” since out of all undergraduate institutions, Quinnipiac polled recently in one of its well-respected surveys as the most porn-infested college in the United States.

Brandi Love declined to comment on her role in this matter.