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Report: Trump Picked Up More Hispanic And Women Voters In 2020 Election

Trump Rally
Image CreditAP/Flickr

Trump’s support from Hispanic voters increased 10 percent since 2016, and his support from female voters increased five percent.


New data from Pew Research Center’s American Trends Panel on voters in the 2020 election found that support for Trump among Hispanics increased 10 percent from the 2016 election. Trump also outperformed Republicans running in House elections in 2018.

“Trump made gains among Hispanic voters. While Biden took a 59% majority of the Hispanic vote, Trump (with 38%) gained significantly over the level of support Republican candidates for the House received in 2018 (25%),” according to Pew.

Another significant finding was that Trump had a five percent larger share of women’s votes in 2020 compared to 2016.

“Biden made gains with men, while Trump improved among women, narrowing the gender gap,” the study found. “In 2020, men were almost evenly divided between Trump and Biden, unlike in 2016 when Trump won men by 11 points. Trump won a slightly larger share of women’s votes in 2020 than in 2016 (44% vs. 39%), while Biden’s share among women was nearly identical to Clinton’s (55% vs. 54%).”

The study also found that nearly half of voters, a record number, said they voted by mail or absentee ballot instead of in-person voting.

In May, progressive analytics firm Catalist published similar findings, reporting that “the majority of Trump’s support in the 2020 election came from minorities and women. Trump’s support grew to 57.2 percent from 54.8 percent in 2016,” as Gabe Kaminsky noted.