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Catholic League Slams Biden For 32 Direct Violations Of Core Church Teachings

Catholic League Biden
Image CreditToday/YouTube

Biden touts his Catholic faith, but the recent Catholic League report highlights 32 times the president has publicly gone against the church.


In a report sent to all bishops in the United States, the Catholic League identified 32 times President Joe Biden has directly gone against the Catholic Church since taking office. 

Biden, who used his Irish Catholic identity to help win over Catholic voters, has said that his “idea of self, of family, of community, of the wider world comes straight from my religion.” Despite his religious rhetoric, however, Catholic League President Bill Donohue said there have been “many instances where his decision-making on important moral issues is at variance with established Catholic teachings.”

The report lists grievances from Biden’s very first days in office up until the end of May, ranging from enthusiastic support for abortion, distortion of the sexes, and disregard for religious liberty. Among the specific instances listed are Biden’s executive order mandating that school students be allowed to use facilities for the opposite sex; the president resuming funding to the United Nations Population Fund, “which promotes family planning through the abortion;” and most recently, his budget plan, which got rid of a longstanding ban on using taxpayer dollars to fund abortions.

The report especially criticizes Biden’s support for the Equality Act, which according to the Catholic League, would be detrimental to religious freedom if enacted. “State laws that protect religious liberty would be gutted … taxpayer-funded abortions would become a reality,” the report said. “Catholic hospitals would no longer be allowed to govern as Catholic facilities, threatening healthcare for everyone, especially the poor.”

Brietbart reported that “nine of Biden’s 32 decisions took place in the ten days after he took office” and that “the report does not refer to issues where prudential judgment is at play but to non-negotiable principles of Catholic belief.”

The report comes just days before the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops will hold a virtual meeting to vote on whether a document should be prepared to clarify the church’s stance on abortion and send a message to pro-abortion “Catholic” politicians.