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Democrats Disproportionately See America As Exceptionally Racist

Democrats disproportionately see America as an exceptionally racist country, according to a new survey from the libertarian-leaning Cato Institute.


Democrats disproportionately see America as an exceptionally racist country, according to a new survey from the libertarian-leaning Cato Institute with YouGov out last week.

Fifty-eight percent of liberals, the Cato Institute 2021 Immigration and Identity National Survey found, think America is “more racist than most other countries,” whereas 16 percent of conservatives and 32 percent of all Americans reported the same.

More liberals, meanwhile, including 58 percent of those who identified as “strong liberals,” also saw themselves more as “global citizens” as opposed to U.S. citizens. Only 28 percent of all Americans said the same.

Researchers interviewed a national sample of 2,600 Americans at least 18-years-old online March 5-15. The survey was completed with a 2.21 percent margin of error.

The findings coincide with an escalating movement from the left to vilify the United States as an irredeemably racist country built for the sole purpose of oppression through the lens of critical race theory embedded in culturally significant institutions, from schools to corporate boardrooms and legacy newsrooms. Leftist projects including the anti-American and ahistorical “1619 Project” have sought to breed hatred of the nation as toxically racist and redefine American greatness as a mirage of white supremacy, contrary to reality.

Refusal to accept this progressive dogma of American racism, however, is itself racist, according to the doctrine established by Boston University Professor Ibram X. Kendi, the author of “How to Be an Antiracist,” who tweeted that “the heartbeat of racism is denial” after South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott, a black Republican, disputed the idea that America is a racist country.

“Uncle Tim” had just trended on the platform for hours before Kendi’s post.

According to the Cato survey, the leftist movement to deteriorate American pride appears to be working among its constituents. Only 61 percent of strong liberals reported they were patriotic, compared to 95 percent of strong conservatives who said the same.