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No, CPAC’s Stage Layout Wasn’t A Secret Nazi Symbol, And It’s An Offensive Claim With Zero Evidence


This past weekend, the Conservative Political Action Conference came to Orlando, Florida — a state still open during the COVID-19 pandemic. For the venue, CPAC organizers chose the Hyatt Regency, which saw speeches from President Donald Trump, Senators Ted Cruz, and Josh Hawley, and Reps. Jim Jordan and Matt Gaetz among others.

According to Leftist Twitter, the Hyatt also hosted Nazis. But if that was the ostensible goal of CPAC, boy did it fail.

Bad faith Twitter activists like Morgan J. Freeman, a filmmaker, claimed the stage at CPAC was purposefully “designed to be a rune used by the Nazis.” Long-forgotten actress Lea Thompson amplified the smear, declaring “we need to stop them.”

Soon, various Twitter hashtags trended like #CPACNazi, #HyattLovesNazis, and #HyattHitler.

We’ve seen this script before. Soon, Twitter activists announced they’d boycott a hotel they likely never patronized to begin with.

Sari Beth Rosenberg, a history teacher and host of the PBS NewsHour Extra Teacher Zoom Series, tweeted a boycott threat. “Are you okay with Nazi symbols being used on your properties?” she disingenuously asked. “Because if you fail to speak out & do something about this immediately, I’ll be sure to no longer patronize any of your properties ever again.”

I’ve spent the last three days at CPAC. For a conference full of Nazis, there sure were a lot of Jewish events and Orthodox Jews in attendance at CPAC. There were five Jewish prayer services and one dinner event. Young Jewish Conservatives hosted a well-attended Shabbat dinner. Groups of Orthodox Jews walked from booth to booth learning more about how they can help the conservative cause.

That Leftist Twitter saw a Nazi symbol when actual Jews at this event did not, is especially telling. It’s safer at CPAC for Jews than liberal Brooklyn, New York where you risk random assaults for wearing a yarmulke and Tzitzit — assaults completely ignored by the same people clutching pearls over a stage design.

As a Jew, I find it disgusting when our history is exploited by deceitful partisans who use anything they can to silence their political opponents. In truth, they are what can be called the “professionally aggrieved” — always looking to feign offense and for new ways to use that offense to bludgeon their political opponents.

Hyatt swiftly and effectively responded to the critics.“We take pride in operating a highly inclusive environment and we believe that the facilitation of gatherings is a central element of what we do as a hospitality company,” a spokesperson said in a statement to Fox Business.

Indeed, Hyatt did what every brand must do to survive the cancel mob: push back.

Many brands are too cowardly to stand up to Twitter activists, with marketing consultants believing that the bad press will cripple their business. They seem to think that giving in means the controversy will go away. That position is foolish, however. Give in, and all you ensure is that the recalcitrant mob keeps coming back to fulfill their insatiable ideological bloodlust.

Cancel culture is a scourge on society; a lazy way to win arguments. But if they bully their opposition into silence, have they truly won the argument? No. They used tweet-brute-force to ensure they would never be challenged.

And it would be very easy to challenge the left, especially on their ephemeral concern for Jews. If they held a Democrat equivalent of CPAC, there would be work sessions declaring Israel an apartheid state and a defense of Hamas and the Boycott Defense Sanction movement. You couldn’t hold a Shabbat dinner — it would be criticized as not inclusive enough.

Could you imagine the booths at that event? Framed maps of Israel with a post-it note covering Israel. Act fast before the limited edition prints signed by The Squad sell out! Masks? They’d be covered with a #FreePalestine message.

If these activists truly cared about Jews or understood history, they’d stop using Jewish tragedy for political gain. Instead, they’d spend more time pushing back at the anti-Semitic forces within the radical leftward movement of their party.

But instead, they signal their virtue to avoid arguing their ideas. They’ll call opponents Nazis rather than go head-to-head on policy. They’ll see Nazi symbolism, instead of seeing their own double standards and intolerance.

The best way to ensure these tactics stop working is to not let them work. Hyatt offered a good example of what to do when faced with the cancel culture mob: don’t give in and call it out.