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Joe ‘Moderate’ Biden Wages War On Life By Ordering You To Fund Overseas Abortions With Your Taxes

pro-life, anti-abortion, abortion, Planned Parenthood
Image CreditAP/Photo

Biden is expected to sign an executive order Thursday forcing taxpayers to fund abortions in foreign countries, claiming it will “undo the damage Trump has done.”


President Joe Biden is expected to sign an executive order on Thursday afternoon forcing U.S. taxpayers to fund abortions in foreign countries, claiming the new directive will “undo the damage [former President Donald] Trump has done.”

During his designated “health care” executive order spree, Biden signaled his plan to rescind the Mexico City policy, first implemented by Ronald Reagan and reinstated by Trump, which bans U.S. foreign aid from being directed to organizations that perform or encourage abortions. This reversal on the “Global Gag Rule” by Biden now ensures that the worldwide abortion industry will receive millions of dollars from U.S. citizens, many of whom have religious or moral objections to ending a human life in the womb.

“Across the country and around the world, people — particularly women, Black, Indigenous and other people of color, LGBTQ+ people, and those with low incomes — have been denied access to reproductive health care,” a statement from the White House read. “[T]he memorandum reflects the policy of the Biden-Harris Administration to support women’s and girls’ sexual and reproductive health and rights in the United States, as well as globally.”

Despite a new poll conducted by the Knights of Columbus and Marist that suggests most Americans on both sides on the political aisle oppose using taxpayer dollars for abortions in the United States and abroad and have concerns about unlimited abortion, the Biden administration also commanded the Department of Health and Human Services to reconsider eliminating Trump’s regulations on the United States’ Title X program. This program grants funds to organizations such as the nation’s largest baby-killing giant Planned Parenthood, which aided and abetted Biden’s campaign to propel a pro-abortion agenda.

“This is a clear payback to the abortion lobby, which heavily supported the Biden-Harris ticket during the campaign,” said Mallory Quigley, spokeswoman for Susan B. Anthony List, a pro-life network. “And it’s a cold shoulder to millions of Americans across the political spectrum who are opposed to taxpayer funding of abortion and abortion businesses.”

Democrats, encouraged by the Biden administration’s actions, are also expected to go after the Hyde Amendment, which currently prevents taxpayer dollars from funding domestic abortions except if the mother’s life is in danger, she was raped, or there was incest. Approximately 200 GOP legislators led by Republican Study Committee Chairman Jim Banks recently asked House and Senate leaders to preserve the Hyde Amendment, claiming that the removal or weakening of the bipartisan legislation banning taxpayer-funded abortions will severely hurt Americans, the pro-life community, and the bipartisan efforts of politicians for decades.

Other congressional Republicans and pro-life activists, however, have expressed fierce opposition to all of the new administration’s abortion agenda as well.

“It took the Biden Administration less than 48 hours to announce they will repeal the expanded Mexico City Policy — which will allow them to funnel taxpayer dollars to groups that perform abortions in other countries. Disgusting. But somehow not at all surprising,” House Minority Whip Steve Scalise wrote.

“It is unconscionable that one of the first actions taken by the Biden Administration is to send U.S. taxpayer dollars overseas to organizations that perform and promote the killing of the unborn,” Florida Sen. Marco Rubio said in a statement. “By rescinding the Mexico City Policy, the Biden Administration is sending a signal to the world that protecting life at its most vulnerable stage is no longer a part of America’s core values. I will always stand on the side of life, and will continue my work in the Senate to protect the unborn.”

President of the March for Life Jeanne Mancini also weighed in, saying Biden’s attempts to remove protections on unborn lives is “a deeply disturbing move.”