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Raphael Warnock’s Pastoral And Political Legacy Is Marked By Zealous Abortion Advocacy

Georgia Democratic Senate candidate and progressive Rev. Raphael Warnock is one of the most pro-abortion candidates in Georgia’s history.


Georgia Democratic Senate candidate and progressive Rev. Raphael Warnock is one of the most pro-abortion candidates in Georgia’s history.

In addition to spouting his radical and progressive beliefs from the pulpit, such as praising communist dictator Fidel Castro, condemning and insulting law enforcement officers, and criticizing Israel as an “apartheid” state, Warnock has openly advocated for the murder of babies for a long time.

“Warnock believes in a woman’s right to choose and that it is a decision between her and her doctor — not the government,” Warnock’s website states. “He knows the importance of family planning and contraceptive access to achieving fair and equal economic outcomes.”

“As Senior Pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church, he has carried that work forward by centering choice and justice in his ministry,” the description continues.

According to the same campaign website, Warnock first began to advocate for “reproductive justice” in college, working with the Georgia Department of Health during his college years, but has “been an advocate for women’s health and reproductive justice his entire life.”

In addition to being endorsed by pro-abortion activist groups such as NARAL and Planned Parenthood Action Fund in his attempts to unseat Republican incumbent Sen. Kelly Loeffler, Warnock was recently labeled “a sexual health educator before joining the clergy” by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. He was also praised by Dr. Ginger Davis Floyd, a former state health official and the director of human development and reproductive health for the left-wing Ford Foundation, which is also a Planned Parenthood donor, in New York City.

“From first-hand experience, I know [Warnock] is a tremendous advocate for women’s health, contraceptive access, and the pro-choice movement,” she said.

“Rev. Raphael Warnock is a champion for reproductive health and rights who will fight passionately for equitable access to health care,” Planned Parenthood says on its website. 

Not only has Warnock received the support of pro-abortion groups and individuals under the guise of “women’s reproductive health,” but he has also publicly declared himself a “pro-choice pastor,” repeatedly expressing support for abortion despite receiving pushback from other Georgia pastors and pro-life groups.

In 2014, Warnock, along with six other political activists, wrote an open letter to then-Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal criticizing his decision to sign a Senate bill banning Obamacare coverage for abortion and causing “unfair, unjust and harmful consequences for regular everyday Georgians.”

“We will see a Governor who allowed and supported attacks on the rights of women by further limited access to reproductive choice,” the letter stated. Warnock was the only signee who used his pastoral title.

The pastor’s campaign has also reaffirmed his stance on abortion, claiming, “Reverend Warnock believes a patient’s room is too small a place for a woman, her doctor, and the U.S. government and that these are deeply personal health care decisions — not political ones.”

“He also believes those who are concerned about life ought to be focused on the incredibly high rates of infant mortality and maternal mortality and working to make sure we are expanding access to health care, not taking it away,” Warnock campaign spokesman Michael J. Brewer told Fox News.

In addition to supporting murdering babies in the womb, Warnock also recently came under fire after reports resurfaced of his involvement in a 2002 child abuse investigation. A political organization he formerly led, the New Georgia Project, is also under investigation for allegedly sending ballot applications to non-residents.