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Christopher Bedford: Chinese Communists, Not Republicans, Were Trying To Get Biden Through His Son

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“As far as I can tell there’s no reason to see that Donald Trump would not appoint a special counsel,” Bedford said as new details continue to emerge.


Federalist Senior Editor Christopher Bedford said on Fox News Friday that it wasn’t Republicans trying to compromise Democratic President-Elect Joe Biden through his son’s overseas business dealings, but rather it was communist China.

“We have to get used to four years of this where you see a comedian up there and you see Joe Biden up there claiming that this is Republicans trying to get at him through his son, but what it really more plainly was, was Chinese officials and members of the Communist Party trying to get at him through his son,” Bedford said. “That’s a real danger to U.S. security.”

Bedford went on argue the Hunter Biden saga is far from over as new details surrounding the president-elect’s son’s potentially criminal overseas business activities continue to emerge. Just this week, new emails published by Fox News showed Hunter Biden speaking on behalf of the entire Biden family while requesting $10 million for a joint venture firm with Chinese business leaders.

“There’s no reason that this is going to stop at all and as far as I can tell there’s no reason to see that Donald Trump would not appoint a special counsel to actually go after this,” Bedford said. “I know there’s a lot of people, and this is a classic Republican move, saying ‘well let’s not play the same games that Democrats play,’ but after the last four years, I think there are enough people in Washington that might be sick of that.”