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Breaking News Alert House Republicans Subpoena Biden-Harris Officials For Depositions Over 'Bidenbucks' Secrecy

FBI Seized Hunter Biden Laptop As Part Of A Federal Money-Laundering Investigation

‘If a criminal case was opened and subpoenas were issued, that means there is a high likelihood that both the laptop and hard drive contain fruits of criminal activity.’


The FBI seized Hunter Biden’s reported laptop hard drive, littered with emails and other potentially incriminating evidence about his father Joe Biden’s involvement in Hunter’s foreign business affairs, in connection with a money-laundering investigation.

“Multiple federal law enforcement officials, as well as two separate government officials, confirmed the authenticity of these documents, which were signed by FBI Special Agent Joshua Wilson,” Fox News reported.

The documents, obtained by Fox News and published on Wednesday, outline a subpoena showing “what appears to be serial numbers for a laptop and hard drive taken into possession” as well as a “Case ID” section containing the bureau’s classification for “Money Laundering, Unknown SUA [Specified Unlawful Activity] — White Collar Crime Program” that might be “transnational or blanket.”

“The documents state that the subpoena was carried out in Wilmington, Del., which falls under the jurisdiction of the FBI’s Baltimore Field Office,” Fox reported.

The new documents also confirm the FBI’s interactions with the owner of The Mac Shop, John Paul Mac Issac, who initially discovered the laptop with a “Beau Biden Foundation” sticker on it, including a subpoena for Isaac to testify in a U.S. District Court in Delaware on Dec. 9, 2019.

“The FBI cannot open a case without predication, so they believed there was predication for criminal activity,” a government official told Fox News. “This means there was sufficient evidence to believe that there was criminal conduct.”

“If a criminal case was opened and subpoenas were issued, that means there is a high likelihood that both the laptop and hard drive contain fruits of criminal activity,” another official agreed, explaining that the case appears to have opened before Isaac’s subpoena.

While the FBI is in possession of the laptop, some of its potentially incriminating information including emails found on the hard drive were first publicized by the New York Post last week. According to the Post, former Vice President Joe Biden was lying when he repeatedly denied knowledge of his son’s involvement in “overseas business dealings.” The emails show that Hunter Biden allegedly used his father’s position as vice president as leverage to pursue business deals with one of China’s largest energy companies in an attempt to cash in “for me and my family.”

Shortly after its publication, Twitter and Facebook began censoring the article, preventing users from sharing it in posts or direct messages. The rest of corporate media, Democrats, and Biden’s campaign also began defending the Biden family, alleging the reported scandal was simply a Russian disinformation campaign. Top intelligence officials say that is false.

“The Attorney General of Delaware’s office indicated that the FBI has ‘ongoing investigations regarding the veracity of this entire story.’ And it would be unsurprising for an investigation of a disinformation action involving Rudy Giuliani and those assisting him to involve questions about money laundering, especially since there are other documented inquiries into his dealings,” Biden campaign spokesman Andrew Bates said in a statement to Fox News. “In fact, Donald Trump’s own national security adviser warned the president that material furnished by Giuliani should be considered tainted by Russian interference.”

These allegations, however, continue to be proven false.

“Let me be clear,” Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe said on Fox Business regarding whether Hunter Biden’s leaked emails stem from a foreign election interference campaign. “The intelligence community doesn’t believe that because there is no intelligence that supports that.”

The FBI and Department of Justice (DOJ) also publicly agreed with Ratcliffe that this story contains no evidence of a Russian disinformation campaign.