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NBC News Recycles Biden Supporters As ‘Undecided Voters’ At Florida Town Hall

This behavior suggests an attempt to affect public opinion while pretending to measure it. It also demonstrates nervousness that Biden will lose Florida due to the Hispanic vote.


Two of the “undecided voters” at NBC News’s town hall event in Miami with Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden on Monday recently appeared on MSNBC as supporters of the Biden/Harris ticket.

The Washington Free Beacon reported that both Peter Gonzalez, a lawyer from Coral Gables, Florida, and Ismael Llano, a marketing executive, who were labeled as “undecided Florida voters” at Monday’s town hall, asked Biden questions despite previously publicly endorsing him for president.

In MSNBC segments from August and September, Gonzalez and Llano describe their frustration with President Donald Trump and show interest in Biden as the candidate of their choice. In each of the clips depicting Gonzalez and Llano, MSNBC uses the chyron to note that these Americans will be “voting for Biden.”

“If we get four more years of Trump, good luck. And good luck with the future attracting younger voters,” Gonzalez said in his interview on August 21.

Another interview in late August shows Llano claiming that one of Biden’s speeches “resonated” with him.

Mateo Gomez, another supposedly “undecided voter,” also told a reporter on MSNBC after the first presidential debate in September that he would “probably” vote for Biden due to Trump’s “un-presidential” performance on the debate stage.

NBC News event moderator Lester Holt that  Gonzalez confirmed that Llano voted Republican “in the past,” but most recently cast a vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016. MSNBC also labeled Gonzalez as a “Republican voting for Biden” in one of their previous interviews with him.

This behavior suggests an attempt to affect public opinion while pretending to measure it. NBC’s masquerade of these voters as “undecided” also demonstrates the nervousness expressed by mainstream media and the left that Biden will lose Florida due to the Hispanic vote. New polling suggests that Trump “holds a 34 percent lead with Cuban voters” and is “winning Florida Hispanics over Biden 50 to 46 percent.”

Despite these numbers, Biden continues to propose far-left, socialist-style policies.

“For many of Florida’s Hispanic voters, the Democratic Party’s enthusiastic embrace of radical socialist reforms recalls the oppressive socialist regimes they or family members fled to come to the United States,” writes The Federalist’s Tristan Justice after conducting on-the-ground voter research in Miami. “Democratic pledges of free health care, free college, and the radical expansion of the welfare state, together with draconian lockdowns in the name of public safety, have been met with well-founded skepticism among voters who have already lived through communist experiments in Latin America.”