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Fires Burn In Kenosha, Wisconsin After Rioters Set Church And Car Lot Ablaze

Fires were still burning in Kenosha, Wisconsin Monday morning after protestors gathered Sunday night, setting entire car dealership and a church ablaze.


Fires were still burning in Kenosha, Wisconsin Monday morning after protests erupted Sunday night setting an entire car dealership and a church ablaze in the name of social justice.

The protests sprang out in response to a police shooting of a black man named Jacob Blake early Sunday evening. Seven shots can be heard on a video of the incident that was captured. According to Ben Crump, the attorney representing Blake’s family, Blake’s three sons were in the vehicle he was attempting to enter when the shooting occurred, and Blake is now in stable condition.

According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, large crowds began to gather at the scene of the shooting where small fires were lit followed by protestors directing their rage onto cop cars. Some protestors set off fireworks at police.

By 10:15 p.m., the paper reported, more than 100 had assembled outside the Kenosha County Public Safety Building. On Monday morning, the county said its courthouse and administration building remained closed from the damage they incurred from rioters.

After law enforcement declared an emergency curfew after 10:15 p.m. in effect until 7 a.m., mobs continued to riot throughout the night, lighting up an entire car dealership and then the Bradford Community Church around 3 a.m, the marquee for which read “Black Lives Matter.”

Kenosha’s violent weekend set off by an apparent police shooting is likely to spread nationwide as the country still remains in an uproar from George Floyd’s death in the custody of Minneapolis police. More than 80 days later, militants in Portland, Oregon, have not ceased rioting, even as the mass violence of the protests has subsided in most major cities after the initial few weeks.

Correction: This article originally erroneously said Blake died in the alleged shooting. It has been corrected to note that Blake is alive and in stable condition.