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Is Gen Z Destroying Fashion With The Rise Of Normcore And Athleisure?

Image CreditWikimedia Commons.

Sartorially clueless Culture Editor Emily Jashinsky chats about the devolution of fashion and its relationship to political populism with Inez Stepman.



On this episode of The Federalist Radio Hour, Inez Feltscher Stepman joined Culture Editor Emily Jashinsky to discuss the devolution of fashion and its relationship to political populism. Feltscher gave her opinion on hot topics ranging from Kanye West’s deal to sell Yeezy at Gap and its impact on Gen Z style to whether a Joe Biden presidency would affect fashion trends.

Feltscher argued that the new aethleisure trend, which has popularized dressing in more casual, loose-fitting clothing, could be the result of an effort to hide a women’s body such as the “Billie Eilish style” of big jackets, Bermuda shorts, and sneakers.

“Maybe that’s the reaction to constantly putting yourself on display on the internet?” Feltscher said. “Maybe there’s some kind of self-protection that’s in this fashion trend because if you Instagram yourself in baggy clothes like that then nobody really knows what you look like and they can’t pick apart your body online.”

They also touch on topics like: Is normcore high fashion? Should you buy Gucci slides? Does the pandemic’s acceleration of the work-from-home revolution mean athleisure is here to stay?

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