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St. Louis Attorney Investigating Citizens Who Protected Themselves From Angry Mob

St. Louis authorities announced Tuesday they would be investigating a pair of citizens who protected themselves on private property from mob protestors.


St. Louis authorities announced Tuesday they would be investigating a pair of citizens who protected themselves on private property from mob protestors who stormed through the neighborhood gates.

The couple went viral standing outside their home where Mark McCloskey stood armed with a rifle while his wife, Patricia, brandished a handgun.

The episode drew sharp scrutiny from the same legacy media that constantly characterized anarchic militias in recent weeks as peaceful demonstrators and prompted the St. Louis Circuit Attorney to launch an investigation.

“I am alarmed at the events that occurred over the weekend, where peaceful protestors were met by guns and a violent assault,” wrote Circuit Attorney Kimberly Gardner in a statement. “We must protect the right to peacefully protest, and any attempt to chill it through intimidation or threat of deadly force will not be tolerated.”

The McCloskey’s however, both supporters of the Black Lives Matter movement, told KMOV4 in St. Louis that they were “in fear for our lives.”

“It was like the storming of the Bastille, the gate came down and a large crowd of angry, aggressive people poured through,” Mark McCloskey told the local outlet. “I was terrified that we’d be murdered within seconds. Our house would be burned down, our pets would be killed.”

Mark estimated the crowd to be at least 100 people, spiking fears that his estate would be next in the line of mob destruction as anarchists terrorize the nation.

The St. Louis police are reportedly investigating protestors with possible charges of trespassing and “fourth-degree assault by intimidation.”

Legacy media however, has continued to play down the threats presented by the protestors while instead focusing on the danger posed by the armed couple utilizing the Second Amendment to protect themselves and their property.