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Amy Klobuchar’s Husband Tests Positive For Wuhan Flu, But She Will Not Be Tested

Image CreditFlickr/Creative Commons

On Monday morning, former 2020 Democratic candidate Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., announced her husband John tested positive for COVID-19. 


Former 2020 Democratic candidate Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., announced her husband tested positive for COVID-19 on Monday morning.

“My husband has coronavirus. I love him and not being able to be by his side is one of the hardest things about this disease,” Klobuchar tweeted.

In an online statement, Klobuchar said her husband John Bechler is very sick and exhausted. She also described his symptoms in detail.

“[John] kept having a temperature and a bad, bad cough and when he started coughing up blood he got a test and a chest X-ray and they checked him into a hospital in Virginia because of a variety of things including very low oxygen levels which haven’t really improved. He now has pneumonia and is on oxygen but not a ventilator,” Klobuchar wrote.

Klobuchar said she will avoid visiting her husband and continue her Senate work, however, she will not take a COVID-19 test.

“I wanted to let my colleagues and constituents know that since John and I have been in different places for the last two weeks and I am outside the 14-day period for getting sick, my doctor has advised me to not get a test,” Klobuchar wrote.