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Jeff Sessions Makes It To Runoff In Alabama Senate Primary

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Alabama’s Republican Senate primary was sent into a runoff after candidates were unable to garner enough support to win a majority of the votes. 


Alabama’s Republican Senate primary was forced into a runoff on “Super Tuesday” after candidates were unable to garner enough support to win a majority of the votes.

Former Attorney General Jeff Sessions will now take on former Auburn football coach Tommy Tuberville in the runoff. The winner will go on to face current Democratic Sen. Doug Jones. In Alabama, the top two vote getters who don’t make 50 percent get to go to a runoff.

There were six other candidates in the Alabama Republican Senate primary race including Rep. Bradley Byrne and former Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore.

Sessions addressed a crowd after the Associated Press called the runoff, where he said any thanks would be premature, but did thank his wife. He also applauded his opposition, specifically Byrne. Sessions continued by taking a jab at Tuberville saying he’s in it for the fame and money.

“I’m not running for fame, I’m not running for money, I’m running to lead this charge,” Sessions said.

Sessions previously held the Alabama Senate seat from 1997 to 2018. In 2018, he accepted the position as United States Attorney General. Since his resignation as Attorney General, Sessions has campaigned on being close to President Trump. Unfortunately for Sessions, Byrne and Tuberville campaigned on similar messages.