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Bloomberg Spends $18.4 Million In Virginia, North Carolina, Walks Away With No Delegates

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In the lead-up to Super Tuesday, Mike Bloomberg spent a total of $18.4 million in advertising in Virginia and North Carolina but left both states without a single delegate.


In the lead-up to Super Tuesday, 2020 Democratic candidate Mike Bloomberg spent a total of $18.4 million in advertising in Virginia and North Carolina but left both states without a single delegate.

According to Advertising Analytics, Bloomberg spent $5.6 million in Virginia and $12.8 million in North Carolina.

Despite his advertisement spending, Bloomberg was shut out by fellow candidate former Vice President Joe Biden. Biden is projected to win both Virginia and North Carolina.

In Virginia, Bloomberg spent nearly $4.94 million more than his leading opponents’ spending combined. In North Carolina, he spent nearly $10.3 million more than his leading opponents combined. In total, he spent a combined $15.2 million more than his opponents, but walked away with no delegates.

Bloomberg’s only Super Tuesday win thus far is in American Samoa, a U.S. territory, where Bloomberg snagged four delegates. After spending more than $60 million on Facebook ads over the last three months, only $1,651 went toward ads in American Samoa.