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Mitt Romney Didn’t Suffer At All For His Dumb Stand

Mitt Romney was the sole Republican to vote in favor of Trump’s conviction at the conclusion of the Senate impeachment trial earlier this month.


Utah Sen. Mitt Romney was the sole Republican to vote in favor of President Donald Trump’s removal from office at the conclusion of the Senate impeachment trial earlier this month.

The freshman senator’s grandstanding earned Romney the ire of conservatives, many of whom backed the former Massachusetts governor in 2012 as the Republican presidential nominee. Romney also drew criticism from Trump.

“The only one that voted against us was a guy that can’t stand the fact that he ran one of the worst campaigns in the history of the presidency,” Trump said during a victory lap speech in the East Room of the White House.

“Romney (Once Again) Ditches Principles to Seek Far-Left’s Adulation,” read a headline in a White House email sent out to Trump surrogates.

For Romney in the Senate, however, it’s as if nothing ever happened. According to Politico, not one word was said of Romney’s pointless conviction vote in the first closed-door party luncheon since the trial. Instead, Romney remains on the leadership’s whip team despite Trump and other Republicans’ desire for consequences for his choice.

Despite some calls to kick Romney out of the Republican Conference and a fusillade of disses from the president himself, Romney was still on the leadership’s whip team and on Tuesday said in a brief interview that he had his “whip card out to whip another piece of legislation.”

“The president’s going to do what he’s going to do… That’s not going to change no matter what any of us think or feel,” Florida Sen. Marco Rubio told Politico. “It won’t change [Romney’s] standing in the Senate.”

Texas Sen. John Cornyn agreed with Rubio’s sentiments.

“Everybody understands that occasions are going to arise invariably where they are going to have to vote their conscience and it’s going to make them an outlier for the conference. I think we all respect that,” Cornyn told the paper.

Romney’ grand act of defiance was praised by Democrats and mainstream media elites as a stunning “profile in courage” in which Romney bravely voted against the forces within his own party well-knowing of the consequences it could have on his reputation in the upper chamber and for the nation subjected to years of baseless attempts by Democrats to overturn the 2016 election.

Two Democrats in the House voted against their party’s wishes on impeachment, but saw no such applause from the corporate media complicit in the Democrats’ witch hunt proceedings. Despite dramatic speculation about GOP retribution against Romney, it appears to have hurt him not one bit.