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College Dorm Hosts Drag Queens To Read And Dance With Children

Image CreditFlickr/Creative Commons

Drag queens Asio Aviance and Caj Monet read children’s books that focused on LGBTQ pride and “the hardships people in this culture face.”


A dorm located on Michigan State University’s campus hosted two drag queens to read and dance with children. The event was hosted in celebration of “National Coming Out Day.”

The Morning Watch reported the attendees were mostly parents with their children. The reporter notes there were few MSU students in attendance.

Drag queens Asio Aviance and Caj Monet read children’s books focused on LGBTQ pride and “the hardships people in this culture face.”

Monet read one story that was particularly disturbing about a boy named “Gilbert.” In this fictional story, Gilbert lives in Kansas where he refuses to use a firearm while enlisted in the military. Monet took this opportunity to “teach” children that guns are bad.

“Everybody say ‘boo’ to guns. Boo,” Monet said to the children.

Gilbert then moves to San Fransisco, a beacon of hope and equality in this story. The story progresses to show Gilbert removing the San Fransisco flag which “reminded Gilbert’s community of evil,” and replacing it with the rainbow flag.

“Say good job Gilbert. You’re awesome Gilbert,” Monet said.

The event represents another attempt by progressives to force their agenda upon the most innocent. Teaching children to hate guns and to view middle-America as dangerous place comparative to progressive California is no longer just propaganda, but indoctrination.

This event was hosted by MSU’s LGBTQ resource center, the MSU Student-Parent Resource Center, and the MSU Writing Center.