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‘Legally Blonde 2’ Explains How Congress Can Stop Infanticide

The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act bill has a chance. Because a lot of people are angry about little babies being left alone on a table to die.


Sometimes, babies are born alive following an attempted abortion. According to the Centers for Disease Control and some states, it could be potentially hundreds of babies each year. And state laws don’t always fully protect them.

Now, some states are proposing laws to expand abortion and to remove existing specific protections for babies who are born alive after surviving an attempted abortion. Without these protections, more newborns could be killed or left alone to die.

Sen. Ben Sasse introduced the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act in the Senate, to make sure babies born alive after abortion are treated the same as any other newborn baby.

But the Senate didn’t pass it.

And efforts to bring the bill to a vote in the House are being stonewalled.

But there is still hope that the bill could pass—with a gutsy move that only happens rarely in Congress.

Two representatives, Rep. Ann Wagner  and Rep. Steve Scalise, filed a discharge petition Tuesday, which could force House leadership to move the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act to the House floor for a vote.

Two-hundred and eighteen representatives, a majority of Congress, need to sign the petition.

That is why discharge petitions rarely happen. Because it’s hard to get most of Congress to agree on anything, or change the status quo.

But the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act bill has a chance. Because a lot of people are angry about little babies being left alone on a table to die.

If the House of Representatives votes on and passes the bill, it would put significant pressure on senators who voted against the bill to reconsider their vote.

And then it could pass the Senate—and be signed into law by the president.

And many little babies could be saved!

Maybe we could all take a page from the Delta Nus, and give our representatives a piece of our minds.

Republican or Democrat, everyone should speak up for babies in need!

The author is a Federalist writer who is anonymous here because her employer frowns on attaching their name to content like this.