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World’s Tiniest Violin Needed To Console Piers Morgan After Meghan Markle ‘Ghosted’ Him

Image Creditscreengrab/GMB

In a column for The Daily Mail, Piers Morgan lashed out at Meghan Markle, accusing her of being a greedy “social climber” because she “ghosted” him after hanging out with him once.

The “Good Morning Britain” host accused the duchess of Sussex of abandoning their friendship after landing the “role of her life” as Prince Harry’s wife. Piers writes that after Markle spent an hour with him over cocktails one time two years ago, he never heard from her again.

He says their friendship begun when the “Suits” actress reached out to him via direct message on Twitter a few minutes after he followed her on the social media publisher, saying she was a “big fan,” and that the two regularly chatted via text message and on Twitter. He even threw in a screenshot of the initial message from her, but curiously left out all other messages he supposedly got from her.

When Markle was visiting London back in 2016, he says the two of them met up at a bar. After hanging out for an hour and a half, he put her in a cab and never saw her again. Here’s Piers’s account of the evening.

She asked me for advice on her career and the media, and if she could come on Good Morning Britain next time she was over, which I said I would arrange.

From the cab, Meghan sent me a series of texts thanking me and saying she was looking forward to meeting up again next time we were in the same city.

She even publicly tweeted about how nice it was to see her ‘friend’ – me – in London.

So at this point, I was indeed labouring under the massive misapprehension that we were friends.

I was wrong.

She met Prince Harry at the dinner that night, went on a solo date with him the next night, and I never heard from her again.

Not a word.

I’d been ghosted.

Piers, buddy, it was two years ago. Time to move along.

As a grown man, Piers should know by now that friendships manifest themselves in all different ways. Some friends are exclusively virtual ones, some you meet only once or twice in real life, and some you see all the time. There’s nothing wrong with varying amounts of contact from people.

Meghan Didn’t ‘Ghost’ You

Being “ghosted” is a term that applies to romantic relationships and has been grossly overused as of late. Using the term to apply to a situation where a one person never hears back from a guy or a girl after only one date is a stretch, and that word especially does not apply to people who aren’t dating. Piers sounds like he’s bitter and lashing out that he didn’t get more contact with the duchess after she fell for a real-life prince.

Even his co-hosts aren’t buying his dubious version of events. After he whined about never hearing from Markle again on a segment on “Good Morning Britain,” both of his female co-stars bore skeptical expressions on their faces.

“What would you prefer her to do?” his co-host asked. “Do you think she dropped you like a stone because you were a journalist?”

“She knew I was a journalist!” Piers interrupted. “She said she was a big fan! She knew all about me!”

“But do you think once she had her date with Prince Harry–” one co-host began.

“Because things changed for her,” the other co-host chimed in. “She then had to re-asses.”

On the “Today” show, another British TV newsman, Keir Simmons, roasted Piers over his comments, which prompted this absurd response from the latter.

I’d love to see an opinion poll comparing the favorability ratings of the red-headed royal versus Morgan among Americans. I doubt the results would go the way the former CNN host thinks they will.

The former “Britain’s Got Talent” judge took advantage of the gossip surrounding the royal family that’s been leaking out onto tabloid pages recently to push his bizarre version of events. Rumors have been circulating of a growing rift between princes William and Harry because Markle and Kate Middleton had a falling out. These whispers were stoked by Meghan and Harry’s decision to move to Frogmore Cottage instead of the apartment next door to William and Kate.

Earlier this week, Kensington Palace officials released a rare statement denying the rumors that Middleton and Markle had a falling out, telling The Mirror “that never happened.”

Late last month, news surfaced that Meghan’s personal assistant, Melissa Toubati, resigned just six months after the royal wedding. She complained Meghan had “very high standards” and that she was used to a “working in a Hollywood environment.” Markle reportedly messages her staff “up to seven times a day,” and “gets up at 5 a.m. daily.”

If messaging her staff up to seven times a day is too much, it makes you wonder what the other members of the royal family do each day. She sounds like a go-getter who knows what she wants and doesn’t like to waste time.

While no one outside the palace walls will really know what’s going on with Meghan, Piers’s story doesn’t substantiate the rumors. They make him seem like a thin-skinned attention freak with a massive ego.