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Hemingway And Harsanyi On Lanny Davis, Media Hypocrisy, And FBI Informants

Image CreditCNN

On this episode of the Federalist Radio Hour, Mollie Hemingway and David Harsanyi discuss some major media reporting fails from CNN and the New York Times.



Senior Editors Mollie Hemingway and David Harsanyi host today’s episode of the Federalist Radio Hour. They discuss major media outlet deceptions this week including CNN’s reporting on Michael Cohen and Lanny Davis, as well as a New York Times report on the FBI’s human informants.

“When you apply one standard to your political friends and one standard to your political enemies, people have every right to say that is not OK,” Hemingway said. “It’s not about Manafort being an angel, or Cohen being perfect. It’s about whether we are careful with political prosecutions.”

They also discuss the death of Senator John McCain and the loss of political leaders with military experience.

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